I'm driving.

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Brooke's POV

"Yeah, we're going back today." Lee said to his mum whilst he made us all a hot drink. He was currently out in the kitchen whilst myself and Lee's parents sat in the front room, shouting from room to room to continue a conversation with the boy out in the kitchen.

He soon came walking in with two mugs before going out to get the last two, handing myself one and keeping one to himself.
"Thank you love." His dad said, taking a small sip of his coffee.

I held my tea close to my face to feel if was hot at all. It doesn't feel too hot, hopefully it should be fine. I took a big sip and instantly regretted it. Why am I like this?

My tongue burnt as the hot liquid met with it and I couldn't really just spit it out so I swallowed it which made me regret my decision even more. It burnt like a motherfucker. I quickly put the mug down on the coffee table and ran out of the living room, into the kitchen where I turned on the cold tap. I look like such an idiot right.

I stuck my tongue under the tap and soon heard a little laugh behind me. I turned around slightly to see Lee standing there with a small smirk.
"Can I help you?" I asked, my words coming out as gibberish as my tongue was still sticking out under the cold tap. You never really know how much you need your tongue until moments like these.
"I was just checking that you were ok." He chuckled, holding his arms up in surrender.
"I'm ok." I said, attempting to smile and giving him a thumbs up.

He walked over and gave me a small smack on the bum before pecking my cheek and walking back into the livingroom. I'll be surprised if I actually have any taste buds left.

"Thank you for letting me tag along." I smiled to Lee's parents, hugging them both tightly.
"Anytime dear, you're a delight." Louise grinned before saying goodbye to Lee.

"You ready?" Lee asked, turning to me as I grabbed hold of my suitcase.
"Oui oui." I laughed.
"Oh, you're French now." Lee's dad asked with a small laugh.
"I've always been French sir." I giggled, giving him a small solute before lee and I walked out to his car.

Lee took the suitcases and popped them in the boot whilst I hopped in the drivers seat.
"Woah woah woah... what are you doing?" Lee asked.
"I'm driving. Pass me the keys Mr." I smiled, holding out my hand and waiting for him to put the keys in my hand.
"You're not driving my baby all the way back to Hereford. You don't even know where you're going." He said, refusing to give me the keys.
"Lee, come on. You can be my satnav." I grinned and he rolled his eyes.
"Fine but you do know, if anything happens to this car, I'm never speaking to you again." He groaned, handing me over the keys.
"It's kind of difficult to not talk to me." I said, shutting the car door and starting the engine as he got in the passenger side.

"Can I go?" I asked as I watched him strap himself in which I had already done to myself.
"Yes, just... be careful." He breathed out. Why is everyone so scared of my driving? It's not that bad.

With a few wrong turnings and me slowly drifting off to sleep, we safely made it home. Now I get what everyone means when they say my driving is awful.

I lazily followed behind Lee as we walked to his apartment. To say I was tired was an understatement. I have no clue why I am so tired but all I want to do is sleep.

As Lee opened the door, I stumbled in and he quickly steadied me.
"Woah." He chuckled and I looked around in confusion.
"Suddenly, I don't feel too go-" I started before everything went black.

Lee's POV (it's not very often you get his POV 😂)

"Brooke." I said, shaking her awake gently. I quickly picked her up bridal style, shutting the front door and carrying her into the bedroom where I placed her down on the bed softly.

What do I do with her? This shouldn't be normal. I watched as beads of sweat began to form on her forehead. I rushed to the bathroom where I ran a flannel under the cold tap. She should come around soon right?

Once I walked back into the bedroom, I placed the flannel on her forehead. Maybe she's just starting to get fever. That's poop. I quickly sat on the bed beside her and rested her head on my lap, it's probably comfier than laying straight out on the bed.
"Brooke baby, wake up." I whispered, hoping she'd hear me but she was still out of it. How long does it take for someone to wake up after they've just fainted?

Just as that thought made its way into my head, Brooke shot up, gasping for air and gripping on to my hand.
"W-what happened?" She asked, breathing in and out heavily.
"I don't know. Are you ok" I asked.
"Yeah, yeah I think so." She replied, taking in her surroundings.
"Do you need food? Are you hungry?" I asked and she shook her head.
"I'm just tired. Will you stay with me?" She asked and I nodded, pulling away the wet flannel and helping her get under the covers.

I pecked her forehead before also getting under the covers and spooning her. Before I knew it, all I could hear were light snores coming from her.
"Goodnight Brooke." I whispered.

Well all of that was very strange...

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