Did you have fruit for breakfast?

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Brooke's POV

*one week later*

Yet again, another week of peace. Wonderful. As stupid as it sounds, I couldn't remember life without being paranoid. You know when you have a blocked nose and then you feel like you never actually appreciated the times it was unblocked? Yeah well, that's what I kind of feel like right now but with life...

For the past couple of days, I've been feeling a little grubby. Is that the word? God, I don't even know. Basically, I haven't really felt myself. Backache and extreme tiredness has been a bitch. Maybe I'm just becoming ill.

I couldn't sleep even though I was tired. It was about half six in the morning. To some, that's not that early but to others, like myself, that's way too early. A sudden wave of sickness over came me and I rushed to the bathroom, letting it all out down the toilet, holding my hair up. Where's a hairband when you need one?
I guess I'm catching the flu. Perfect!

Once I was sure no more sick was to come out, I flushed the toilet before brushing my teeth as a mixture of sick and morning breath was gross. I let out a breath before going back to the bedroom and flopping back down beside Lee who was sleeping like a little baby. Cutie.

Soon enough, my eyes went heavy again and I slowly drifted off into a sleep. Hopefully I can sleep longer than 4 hours before waking up again.

Lee's POV

I woke up with a yawn, realising Brooke was still asleep beside me. Normally she's awake long before myself. Strange.
I gave her forehead a little peck before walking to the bathroom where I peed and brushed my teeth. There was a funny smell lingering around but I just shrugged it off, thinking that my poo smell from last night hadn't disappeared just yet... I'm sorry, I'm disappointed in myself too.

I walked back into the bedroom, slipping on a top before grinning at Rufus that was already looking at me.
"Do you want to go for a walk?" I whisper-squealed as Brooke was still sleeping. He then began to jump around and I laughed before going downstairs with a little shadow. Man, I love that dog.

After I fed Rufus some breakfast, I got myself a glass of orange juice and downed it within seconds. Jeez, I was thirsty.
"Right, let's get your lead on then." I said to Rufus who was sitting beside me, watching my every movement. I grabbed his lead out of the cupboard and attached it to his collar. Before I left, I made sure to grab the front door keys as Brooke may still be sleeping.

"Come on then boy." I cooed, tugging at his lead and he followed behind me.

Brooke's POV

Two extra hours of sleep wasn't too bad. I mean, it's still pretty early but there's nothing I could do about that. I wasn't so tired anymore but my back still hurt. I groaned and rolled over to where lee no longer was. He must already be awake.

I sighed, getting up and walking to the bathroom where I brushed my teeth for the second time this morning. I can still kind of taste sick. Nice.

Once I had finished, I made my way downstairs. It was ever so quiet. Nor Rufus or Lee was to be seen or heard so my only guess was that they went out for a walk. I let out a yawn before searching the fridge for fruit. That's all I'm craving. Maybe I'm coming on my period. Perfect.

As soon as my fruit salad was made, I walked to the living room and fell down to the sofa, grabbing the TV remote that was beside me and putting on a movie of some sort. Hmm... what movie looks good today? I decided on 500 days of summer because I'm a sucker for that film and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, don't mind if I do.

About ten minutes into the film, Lee had walked in with Rufus.
"Morning." He chirped, picking up my bowl from the table and taking it out to the kitchen. THATS MY FIANCÉ EVERYONE!
"Morning." I replied, snuggling up further under the fluffy blanket. That didn't last too long though as Rufus came charging and placing himself down beside me.
"Did you have fruit for breakfast?" Lee asked, furrowing his eyebrows and sitting down on the other side of me.
"I did indeed." I giggled as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulling me into him.
"Blimming heck." He chuckled.
"I couldn't help it, I craved it." I laughed.
"I think I'm coming on or something." I shrugged.
"Do you feel grubby then?" He asked.
"A little, yeah. My back hurts and I woke up this morning as I had to be sick. Not my type of morning." I sighed.
"That's what that smell was." He said.
"Are you ok now though?" He asked.
"Yeah, I think so." I smiled, leaning up and pecking his lips.

I really hope this is just my period acting up and nothing else is happening... we'll just have to see if my period comes along anytime this month....

Choosing You - Lee Hinchcliffe (COMPLETED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora