He doesn't scare me.

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It's the weekend, why not have another little update? 😂

Brooke's POV

"Bye." Lee and I said in unison, waving off our parents and Lee's brother.

Once they were out of sight, I closed the front door and turned to Lee who was already looking at me.
"I know you want to talk but can we wait until we're upstairs and in bed please?" He asked with a sigh and I nodded before feeding Rufus and changing this mornings water for some fresh water.
Lee had already gone upstairs.

"Here you go boy." I said, placing his food down on the floor and he went straight to eating it.
"We'll be upstairs when you're done." I whispered, tapping his back slightly. I know he can't understand me but what if he could? I'd want him to feel welcome upstairs as I'd hate him to be down here on his own all night.

I turned off all of the lights downstairs before grabbing my phone and walking up to our bedroom.

I quickly brushed my teeth and changed into one of Lee's baggy tops before getting into bed.
Lee was currently scrolling down twitter, not paying any attention to me.
"Are you going to put that down so we can talk?" I asked, nodding my head at his phone. He rolled his eyes but locked it, placing it on the bedside table.
"What do you want to talk about?" He asked.
"Why you lied to me and why you and your brother don't get on." I replied, placing my hand on his bare chest, slowly tracing circles.

He still didn't face me, his eyes just stayed locked in the same place on the ceiling.
"I lied to you because he's not a good guy." He started, I didn't say anything, instead, I just continued to draw circles.
"My parents kicked him out when he was 17. He went through a bad time, just like me. He was drinking and doing drugs. That's mainly one of the reasons I went to your place that time. I didn't want to end up like James." He sighed and I gulped.
"How did being at my place help you?" I asked softly.
"Because I thought that being somewhere where you spent most of your time would sort of make me think you're still there." He said.
"It sounds stupid but it helped me. It was like your voice was just telling me to not be like him." He continued.
"Seventeen year old me didn't want you to know a single thing about my brother. I thought that it may have scared you away." He explained.
"Your brother is your brother and you're you. Just because he did drugs and drank alcohol doesn't mean I wouldn't have continued to talk to you." I said, removing my hand from his chest and turning on my back, looking up at the ceiling.
"I know that now, the thing is..." he started.
"He came here drunk and high tonight. I could just smell it on him. When you were both left alone in the kitchen I thought he may have tried something on you." He said and my heart stopped beating for a single second.
"You really think I'd let him touch me?" I asked.
"He's pretty intimidating B." He said, turning on his side to finally face me. I copied his actions, lacing our hands together.
"He doesn't scare me." I whispered, leaning in and attaching our lips.

"Now tell me, why aren't you close?" I asked.
"Because he scared me, even sometimes now he scares me. My parents went out for dinner one night, leaving James in charge of babysitting me. I hated the fact that it was just him and myself in that house on our own. I curled up in a ball under my covers and attempted to sleep but he already began to order me around. That night I was pretty much his slave, clearing up his smashed bottles of beer, cooking him food and even cleaning up all the cocaine left over on the table. I was young and all I wanted was for my parents to come home." He explained and my heart shattered at the thought of Lee being bossed around like that.
"Why didn't you say no to any of it?" I asked.
"Because what would happen? I didn't even want to find out so I just continued to be his slave for the night." He sighed.
"Ever since then, we've never been close and my parents don't understand why." He added.
"Haven't you told them?" I asked.
"What's the point now? It was ages ago." He said and I gave him a small sympathetic smile, cupping his face in my hands.
"I'm sorry to have brought it all back up." I said. I could tell that he was still hurting from it all.
"Well I'm sorry for not telling you about him." He apologised.
"It's fine." I said softly.

As I was leaning in for our lips to touch, Rufus had jumped on the bed and squished himself between us both.
"Seriously dude?" Lee groaned.
"He just wants a cuddle." I giggled, wrapping my arm around Rufus.
"And I want a cuddle from you." Lee said.
"Then you're going to have to come round the other side." I laughed and he did.
As soon as he was behind me, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into him tightly.
"I love you." He whispered in my ear before kissing down my jawline and eventually to my lips.
"I love you too." I mumbled into the kiss.

I'm so glad that lee and I had that talk and cleared the air.


I just want to say that Lee's brother in this is how I'm writing it, I really don't think he's like this in real life so please don't get the wrong impression.
Thank youuuu 💜

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