Lee, we can't do this.

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Brooke's POV

Ok, I never expected Lee to drive where we are right now. It's pretty far from where my mum lives in London. Well it's not that far but it's about half an hour.

We've been walking for at least fifteen minutes, his warm hand never leaving mine. I shivered as the cold air hit my bare arms. I wish I had brought a jacket of some kind with me, I'm only in my tank top.

"Do you know, it's a good thing I'm wearing two jumpers. You're not living in America anymore B." Lee chuckled, stopping in his tracks and slipping off his hoodie, leaving him wearing the one underneath it.
"Thank you." I smiled as he helped me slip my arms through the arm holes. Once it was on me, I zipped it up and looked around us.

Where the hell are we?

"You're going to need to put your hood up before we go any further." Lee said and my eyes widened.
"Are we breaking the law or something?" I asked.
"We're doing exactly that." He chuckled and I shook my head, refusing to move.
"Can we go back?" I asked.
"Brooke come on. Do you trust me?" He asked, placing his hands either side of my face.
"Of course I do but if we get caught, we could go to jail. What are we even doing?" I asked and a smile appeared on his face.
"You'll see." He grinned, taking my hand after pulling my hood up.

About five minutes later, Lee turned to me with a smile.
"We're here." He said, dropping my hand so I could get a good look of where we are. A stadium, Wembley stadium. Why would he be taking me to a stadium?
"Why are we here?" I asked, looking over my shoulder incase anyone was around.
Instead of an answer, I just got a finger to the lips, indicating me to be quiet. I'm guessing we're sneaking in. Lee looked around to see if anyone was lurking around the car park or if any security people were around. Luckily, we were safe.

"Lee, we can't do this." I whispered.
"Why not?" He whispered back, looking around for a way in.
"We could get caught." I replied.
"Are you scared?" He asked with a slight smirk.
"No, I'm not scared." I lied. I was pretty much shitting myself right now. I've never done anything like this before.
"Come." He said softly, taking my hand in his again. There is no way we could get past this gate. It's way too tall.
"This is harder than I thought." Lee mumbled. Yeah, no shit.

As I glanced around to see if anyone had suddenly appearing, my eyes stopped at a dumpster. Wooo! Go Brooke. I nudged Lee's arm and nodded my head towards it.
"Not bad B." He said with an impressed look. I bowed and laughed silently.

We rushed to the dumpster and pushed with all our might until we got it where we needed it. I place my hands on my hips, letting out an exasperated sigh. Now that was hard.
"Ladies first." He smirked, holding out a hand for me to take so he could help me up on the dumpster.
"Men just before." I winked and he sighed with an eye roll.

Lee climbed over first with no problem what so ever but when it got to me, I freaked out. I hate doing these kind of things.
"Come on, just swing your legs over and jump." Lee whispered as he couldn't shout due to us doing something highly illegal.
I take in a deep breath and reach up, jumping for the metal fence as I still wasn't tall enough. I then swing my legs over the fence and gracefully land on my feet. Well at least I didn't stack it, now that would be embarrassing.

As we entered the field, I looked around and realised that we were the only people here. Obviously. No lights were on and all the seats were empty. It's quite scary really. We walked up the stairs, two at a time until we reached the top.

"Sit down then." Lee said, sitting down in one seat and patting the one beside him. I sat down with a happy sigh.
"So, any reason why you chose to come here when we could have stayed where we were?" I asked.
"I've always wanted to go somewhere public when no one was around and a stadium popped to mind. Pretty cool huh?" He asked and I looked around with a grin.
"I just want you to know that if we get caught, you kidnapped me and brought me here. I had no say in this." I laughed and he rolled his eyes.
"Fine." He chuckled.
"I just want to scream at the top of my lungs, like a proper hardcore scream. I don't know why, I just think it would feel really good." He said scrunching up his nose at the word 'hardcore'.
"And you're 22?" I asked with a giggle. Normally teenagers would say something like that.
"Oh come on, don't act like you've never wanted to do it." He chuckled and I thought about it.
"It's crossed my mind." I shrugged.

"Have you ever been to a stadium?" I asked.
"No. That's why sneaking in here was the best option." He chuckled.
"So you've never been to a football game?" I asked.
"Probably when I was like 5." He laughed as did I.
"In the time you were gone, I thought about becoming a musician." He said and I burst out laughing. Is he serious? I looked at him and stopped laughing when I realised he was frowning at me.
"Oh, you're serious?" I coughed awkwardly and he cracked a smile.
"No, I'm totally kidding." He laughed and I smacked his chest gently.
"Anyways, you're a musician. Did anything else happen whilst you were gone?" He asked me.
"I sing, which you obviously know, I had to learn a lot of dance choreography's for my songs on stage, oh and I do YouTube." I giggled.
"Jeez B. Is there anything you can't do?" He asked with a laugh.
I didn't even think before I blurted out my answer.

Choosing You - Lee Hinchcliffe (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now