That was fun.

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Brooke's POV


Holy shit. What is wrong with me. The awkward tension between us right now is real. Nothing like that should have ever crossed my mind. I'm with Drew. I shouldn't be thinking of doing other people. Good god. Spray me with holy water.

"Ugh, I'm sorry." I said, shifting my gaze away from him and looking out at all the empty seats. Now things are going to be hella awkward. As soon as we work things out between us, someone says or does something to totally ruin that. This time, it's me.
"If it makes you feel any better, I would have said the same thing if you weren't married." Lee said, breaking the awkward silence.
"I'm not married." I mumbled.
(Sorry to get your hopes up... no kissing in this chapter, I'm afraid 😂)

"So, are you going to scream?" I asked Lee, completely ignoring what had just happened. It took him a while to get what I was on about but once he did, he grinned widely before looking up at the stars through the top of the stadium.
"I am but I'm going to shout something stupid." He smiled goofily.
I frowned but laughed.
"Pineapples." He shouted and as his voice echoed throughout the stadium, I jumped at his sudden outburst. He titled his head to look at me with a lopsided smile and I laughed at his childishness.
"Pineapples." I shouted because why not?

His smile then turned into laughter as did mine. The more he laughed, the more I laughed and the more I laughed, the more he laughed. We were just a laughing mess.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" I voice startled us from the distance. Shit! We're going to get caught. Both our heads snap to the direction the voice was coming from and a guy with a flashlight stormed over to us.
"Take my hand." Lee said quickly and I did what he said and before I knew it, we were off like a light.

"I can't believe we managed to get away." I said, panting as we reached the car. He quickly unlocked it and we hopped in.
"We were lucky." He laughed, starting the engine as I strapped myself in.

"That was fun." I giggled, glancing at him in the drivers seat to see his eyes were already on me.
"Yeah, let's never do that again." He chuckled, pulling down the handbrake and driving off back to my mums place.

The drive back was spent talking about anything and everything. It felt like nothing awkward happened back there. If he's going to pretend that I said nothing, then so am I. It's the best thing to do.

As we pulled up at my place, I saw the living room light on.
"Well thank you for taking me with you to do illegal stuff." I laughed, unstrapping my seat belt and twisting in my seat so I could see him clearer.
"Anytime Smith." He chuckled, unbuckling his belt and getting out of the car, leaving me there with furrowed eyebrows. What is he doing?

The next thing I knew was my door opening and Lee was standing there with his arm out to the side.
"M'lady." He laughed and I looked at him with a smile before stepping out. Once I had gotten out, he shut the door and leant up against the car. The only light shining down on him was from the moon. God, he looks good right now. Wait what? Brooke stop.

"Well Hinchcliffe, were never doing that again." I giggled, scruffing up his hair with my hand to which he gasped.
"Even if we weren't there for too long, I still had fun." He grinned and I nodded.
"Me too." I smiled before pulling him in for a warm hug.
"I'll see you soon." I said, pulling away from the hug.
"Yeah, see you soon Brooke." He smiled as I walked up the driveway.

I gave him a quick wave before I walked in. I closed the door and leant up against it with a goofy smile. I'm engaged yet that boy still gets to me.
"You know, he's smiling to himself out there too." My mums voice said, making me jump. Lee is also smiling like crazy? Jeez.
"He is?" I asked and she nodded.
"You know, this is the happiest he's been in years." She said and I frowned.
"How'd you know?" I asked.
"Because the night his mother kicked him out for drinking too much, he stayed here in your bedroom." My mum replied.
"But he said he went to Tom's." I said and she gave me a small pat on the shoulder.
"Goodnight sweetie." My mum said, pecking my forehead before wandering off up the stairs.

Lee came here when he got kicked out? Why didn't he tell me?

That night, I didn't get any sleep. I'm losing it. I have no clue what to do anymore. I'm not saying I'm in love with Lee still because that's only partly true but I know that I'm in love with Drew, Right? Why am I questioning myself?

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