Maybe it's time you move.

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Brooke's POV

"Lee." I laughed slightly as I woke up to him licking my face. However, he didn't stop and I frowned.
"Stop." I groaned, attempting to shove him back but when I did, I realised his chest was a lot more hairier than I remembered. I opened my eyes quickly and saw a massive dog. What the heck?

I screamed which then resulted in Lee waking up.
"Why the frick is there a dog?" I asked, shouting slightly before realising we had slept in the cabin.
"Oh yeah, um, this is Rufus." Lee laughed, standing up, yawning and giving "rufus" some affection. Holy fuck, I don't remember getting this dog... oh wait, the memories are flooding back. Yep, I remember now. Oh my god. What are we going to do with it?

"What are you planning on doing with him?" I asked, pointing at the golden retriever.
"Take him back with us. What do you think?" He asked and I shrugged.
"Are you forgetting that you live in an apartment with no back garden?" I asked and he cussed.
"I can't give him back." Lee sighed and I shrugged my shoulders.
"Why not?" I asked.
"Because that's cruel and Rufus and I are already best friends." Lee replied, giving Rufus a little tap on the head.
"I don't know where you're planning on keeping him then." I said, walking over to the picnic basket where I grabbed a packet of crisps and started eating them.

We need to leave soon for many reasons;
1. I need to pee.
2. I need food.
3. I need to drink.
4. Rufus needs food.
And 5. We need to sort out what we're doing with this dog...

"Lee, he's peeing up the sofa." I shouted to Lee who was currently changing in his bedroom.

He then came rushing out in just some jeans and shooed Rufus away from the sofa before standing with his hands on his hips and huffing.
"We've been home for a couple of hours and he's already peeing up things." Lee groaned.
"The dog needs to be trained." I said.
"I know but how am I meant to do that with no garden or no sort of fun for a dog?" Lee asked.
"Maybe it's time you move." I shrugged, picking up a magazine from the table and opening it up to read anything interesting.
"Move? As in move house?" Lee asked and I nodded.
"Well yeah. I mean, this apartment is looking pretty worn out and you can afford an actual house. Why not move out?" I questioned.
"Because a house is a big thing." He replied.
"I know." I said, nodding my head.
"I need to find a place soon too. Maybe we could be neighbours." I laughed at the thought. Yeah, that may never happen but how cool.
"Actually..." he started and I pulled my eyes away from the magazine to look up at him.
"What would you say if I was to ask you to move in with me?" He asked and my eyes widened before I started choking on air.
He wants me to move in with him?
"Lee, we're not actually together." I said, going a little quieter at the end.
"We pretty much are. I mean, we confessed our love to each other last night." Lee said. We did what?
"What now?" I asked.
"Do you not remember?" He asked, gulping. Now I really regret drinking that alcohol, mainly because I can't remember him telling me he still loves me.
"No." I coughed.
"Thank god. You didn't like how I put it anyway." He laughed slightly.
"What do you mean? Oh my god. Was I a bitch about it?" I asked and he shook his head before sitting down beside me.
"No, god no. I just got very cringey and you didn't really like it that much." He chuckled.
"Did I tell you I loved you back?" I asked and he nodded.
"Apparently loving me when you were with Drew was a mistake but it was the best mistake you've ever made." He said and I scrunched my nose up at what I had actually said. I said that? Wow Brooke... cringeworthy or what?
"It's not a lie though." I said and I placed the magazine back down on the table before looking at Rufus who was now peeing on the floor.

Blimming heck, this dog could pee for Britain.

I rushed over to him and scolded him.
"Bad dog." I said, pointing at him. His ears went back before he ran off to lee, jumping up on the sofa and laying across his lap. Jeez that dog.
"You need a garden and we need to go shopping for some dog bits. This isn't right." I sighed.

"What about this one?" I asked, turning the iPad around to show Lee a house suggestion.
"Where abouts is it?" He asked.
"It says Hereford." I answered.
"It's nice but if I'm actually going to move, I want it to be out of Hereford. I want to go somewhere new." He replied.
"Where are you thinking then?" I asked, changing the location on the housing site.
"Somewhere down south. I've been up north my whole life and if I'm completely honest with you, it's not that nice." Lee said and I nodded.
"Fair point." I said.
"You're more of a city person aren't you?" I asked.
"I guess." He replied.
"How about London?" I suggested.
"I feel like every YouTuber lives there." He sighed.
"What about Reading or Milton Keynes?" I asked.
"I've never heard of them places but sure. Let's look." Lee said.

And the house hunting begins.
Lee and I spoke after Rufus peed on the floor again and we've decided that I should just buy a place of my own. Obviously, lee would let me stay with him until I've sorted my own place out. We're not actually together so it would be weird, right?

Choosing You - Lee Hinchcliffe (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now