He's gorgeous though.

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Brooke's POV

"Goodmorning baby." I cooed at Rufus who ran straight up to me. Lee was still sleeping so I decided I'd cook us both breakfast.
"Do you want breakfast?" I whispered, careful not to wake Lee up. All he did was jump around on the spot panting.
"I'll take that as a yes." I giggled, patting his head before reaching for his bowl.

I quickly filled it up with his very expensive food and I placed it back on the floor for him to eat. I then gave him some fresh water before starting on Lee and I's breakfast. I think tonight we're going to Joes place. That's only if Steph and Jake can look after Rufus though.
Having a dog is like having a child.

I gathered up the ingredients for some pancakes before beginning to make up the mixture. You can tell we like pancakes. Once the mixture was made, I grabbed a pan and placed it over the heat with some butter in it. Just as I poured the mixture in the pan, I felt two arms snake around my waist and lips pressing into my shoulder.
"What are you making?" Lee asked. Morning voice attractive AF.
"Pancakes." I giggled.
"Mmmm... your favourite." He laughed before going to play with Rufus. I seriously cannot believe we bought a dog whilst being drunk.

I finished making up the pancakes and made us a pile each before melting some chocolate and sprinkling it on top with some strawberries. Yummy.
"Here you are." I grinned, pecking his forehead as I set them on the table before sitting down opposite him with my plate. Rufus immediately sat, wagging his tail beside Lee for some food. Of course, lee being lee, gave in and gave him a bit of his pancake.
"You're meant to teach him not to scrounge." I said, taking a bite of my breakfast.
"Sorry, he's just adorable." Lee laughed before tucking in.

"Really?" Steph asked as she sat down on the sofa. We had just told her that we bought Rufus whilst being drunk and that Lee's planning on moving out.
"Yep. Crazy huh?" I asked, laughing, watching Jake and Lee play with the dog.
"He's gorgeous though." She grinned before also going to play with Rufus.

Jake and Steph agreed to looking after Rufus for tonight and tomorrow so Lee and I could go to Joes.

After catching up with them for a while, they left with all of Rufus's bits and pieces, and the dog of course, whilst we packed a bag for tonight.
"So Joe doesn't mind me coming along?" I asked.
"No, not at all. He's excited to meet you. You'll get along fine." Lee said, zipping up his big duffle bag that also had my bits in it.

The time was currently 3 in the afternoon and the party was to start at 7. Lee said it takes about three hours to get there so we should have enough time.
"I think we have everything." Lee started.
"Should we start heading off? It's already three." He said, checking his gold watch on his wrist.
"Sounds good." I smiled before grabbing his hand and locking up the apartment.

I'm kind of excited for tonight.

Lee and I arrived early to Joe's so we decided to just get ready there. We were currently walking up the stairs to his apartment. This area is quite nice really.

Once we reached his door, Lee gave it a knock and soon enough it flew open to reveal a blue eyed boy with a massive quiff. He already looks friendly enough.
"Buddy." He grinned, pulling Lee in for a hug before turning to me.
"I'm guessing you're the famous Brooke?" Joe asked with a wide smile. He seems really happy. Is he like this all the time?
"It is I." I giggled, giving him a small salute before he pulled me in for a bone crushing hug.
"It's nice to finally meet you." He said, pulling away from the hug before stepping aside and letting us in.

"So everyone will be here in about an hour, make yourself at home." Joe grinned, closing the front door and I jumped once I saw a mask.
"What the frickle frackle is that?" I asked, pointing to the mask.
"Oh that?" Joe asked, laughing.
"That's Bruce. He's been there for a little while now." He added and I laughed, finally looking at him. He looked older than both Lee and I.
"Right, I'm going to make drinks. Feel free to join." Joe smiled before starting to walk away.
"Actually, can we burrow a room or something? We're not ready and we didn't want to be late." Lee laughed and Joe nodded.
"Yeah that's fine. You know where my bedroom is. Just no funny business." Joe laughed before walking away.
"Yes dad." Lee mumbled before taking my hand and leading me to Joe's bedroom.

Right, time to get ready.

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