RC2- Pirate Prompt!

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*loud pirates of the Caribbean music plays*
Arr me matteys!!

So I'll be making a pirate prompt thanks to the ever so ambassadory man named Benny Bedlam!

So Thanks to Queen-of-the-Bees and Wolf_Vos_Normandy i got a captain and a ship name!

The H.M.E Bloody Bloodbath Supreme!!!!
Guess what H.M.E stands for!

And yes wolf short hair and light armor!!!!!!!! Sheesh!!

And ever pirate crew has a animal for it! So Possumpants I'm gonna put you as a possum incarnate that sits on first mates Benny's shoulder! Like a parrot!

We begin on a stormy day in the Caribbean Sea.

Benny- Eye captain! Another fine day of sailing upon these blue seas
Possum- Yes yes fine day it is! *possum noise* (Okay I have no idea what noise they make)
Wolf- Yes it is my first mate! And we have treasure to behold for I have a treasure map to possum island!!!!
Kronis- how is this possible!! I assume the island was a myth!
Dark- I was hoping for anime island....,
Camera- weeb!
Dark- you're a weeb too!
New- your all weebs!
Ryan- God damn it!
Lion- But do we have to go!!!!
Wolf- too bad!! Go sweep the poop deck lion!!
Randomer- Hahahaha! Your in trouble!! Ho!
Wolf- you too! I!
Minnowkit- Well while we are sweeping poop decks I may as well go......
Erin- for a few months?
Minnowkit- Hey!!!
Erin- Can't we go raid some pirate ships matey?
Randomer- that would be more fun than cleaning up poop decks! Wait is that poop! Arr!
Posssum- Ummmm anywho who wants to read my kerin fan fiction me and Benny wrote! *possum noises*
Benny- oh course! Arrr! Ahem! Kronis draped his strong arms behind Erin's shoulders Erin's warm skin
Kronis- that's enough now!
Benny never! Arrr!
Erin- I sorta like it Kronis......
Kronis- no I must crack open a cold one! *keonis runs at Benny but Benny side steps him and Kronis flies off the ledge and ends up in the water below!*
Wolf- Benny I mean it was good!
Camera- Yeah sugar plum!
Wolf- not here camera!! Shiver me timbers!
Camera- Fine sweetie!
Benny- Wam!! New ship! Wamera!!!!! Arrr!
Kiddo- Arr we have Brits on the approach! Wait I'm a Brit!!!, aaaaa!!!!, *falls off mast*
Randomer- I'm a Brit too!
Wolf- Steady on the winds lads! We have boarders!
Nubbs-AAAAA!!! Die Brit scum!
Infinite- HEY!
Nubbs- Oops! Arrr!
Brits- In the name of the queen stop right there!!
Randomer- your here to save me!!! Take me away!!
Randomer runs at them but gets shot as he ran to close!
Brits- stay down you pirate!
Randomer- owowowowo!
Wolf- charge!!!
The group ran at them with possum jumping from pirate to pirate and landed on of the Brits faces and make him fall off the boat, Wolf going Edward kenway 4 pistol style! (It's quite badass) while everyone else tried to go ham by running. Around with their swords and guns and firing Randomer shots!
Dark- what are we doing!!!!
Third- I'm a mermaid!!!!
Wolf- that's hot!
Camera- or am I....
Wolf- I think we survived!
Randomer- But I got shot!
Kronis- your point is!
Randomer- why can't we be friends!
Kronis- aren't we!
Randomer it's on the rim!
Kronis- or is it????
Randomer- ummmmm
Minnowkit- let's go on!
Third- Ima mermaid! Draw me like on of your French boys!
Lion- it would be my pleasure....
Kronis- lion snap out of it!
Benny- Don't fall into!
Third- look at my abs.....
Lion- abs......
*lion falls off the ship and gets pulled under by the merman*
Wolf- we must find her!
Erin- but the treasure....
Kronis- and the girls....
Benny- and the booze...
Camera- and the cameras...
Dark- and the darkness
Possum- and whatever we eat!

A few days later they uncover the island! But more is afoot than they thought...

See Erin!

Nazis fighting transformers!See Erin!

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Nazis fighting transformers!
See Erin!

Peace out pirates!

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