Dear minnowkit and also suprise for Wolf.

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Hello as far as I can tell you Probally want to start a war between me, you and maybe somerandomer2? So to make up for it I'm going to change that weird story I wrote and make you into a better badass than before!!!!!

And because it's like 5am in Lebanon and I can't sleep.

"Minnowkit come up for your next briefing." Said the voice on the speaker. Minnowkit tried through the walls for the secret base she knew she was the best agent there but she just wasn't respected. She was like Johnny English. Just female. As she came up to the area she saluted "sir! What is my mission?" She said. "At ease agent." said the captain.

"Your mission will be to shut down an illegal drug company that are making drugs to control people's minds!" He said explaining. "Sir... That horrible." She said while looking at the file. "You and a squad of navy seals will break in kill everyone and secure the area. Is that understood?" "Yes sir!" She said while saluting. "Well agent lets get ready to go!"

A few hours later.....

The helicopter was flying over the area. "Ma'am are you ready to leave?" Asked a Seal. "Give me a few more minutes of being a badass then we can go." She said. "Fine..." He replied.

"Ok now we can go!" She said looking like a badass. "Thanks ma'am! Do you need a parachute?

"Do I look like I need a parachute?" She replied snarky. Looking out below.

"Sorry ma'am...." Said the Seal. Looking down. "It's fine trooper...." She said.

"10 seconds till drop off! 3,2,1! Good luck!" He said as Minnowkit and the seals jumped out of the plane into the land below.

Minnowkit without the parachute was heading at extreme speeds towards a haystack. "Holy shit!!!!" She said going over 190MPH. And landing in the hay. "Whew still being a badass!" She climbed out assault rifle in hand and kicked down to door and started to fire. The SEALS followed through behind her taking out any survivors, and arresting a few.

She kicked down another door and was fired at but the bullets aimed at her just went into the Kevlar vest she was wearing. "Die motherfuckas!" She yelled over the noise of gun fire. One by one she was taking out the men. Making them fall on the floor. "Ha!" She yelled while still firing but ducking under a few shots.

Finally she reached the end of the building set the charges and with her remaining men. 7 shots rained out and all of her men fell dead.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here? Agent Minnowkit. No less!" Said the masked man.

"H-how do you know who I am?" She said thinking her identity was the best kept secret.

"My name is Slim Shady! And for I am the real Shady!" He yelled.

"How could it be! I thought you died at the Grammys! When the chandelier fell on you when you didn't get your Grammy!" She gasped.

"Well I'm here now with this drug everyone will love me!!!!! Muwhahahahahahaha!!!" He said laughing manically while walking around.

Suddenly Minnowkit busted out some crazy Jujitsu moves which she knocked slim shady's gun out of his hand out her legs round his neck while standing on her arms and threw him out a window into the ground below.

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