TAGGED BY A Fa- I mean Friend!

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Ok so Wolf_Vos_Normandy tagged me.... Well then.... Let's begin! And don't worry I didn't mean it....

1. Kronis talks too much. Yes I do talk a lot and even out loud when no one is around I just say Kronis come on, or when find my self in an odd situation and I talk to myself to find out a way out of it. And with the talking too much well I seem to piss people off a lot so I jsut use fast talking to come to my defense with guys you've gotta be fast tongued to come back at a roast at your mom.

2. I do lift. Yes I may seem like a fatass on wattpad all day but when I'm not playing Clarinet I'm squating, deadlifting, siting up, back squat, running, jogging, RDL, plate circuiting, and such.

3. Never broken a bone and will never wear glasses. I don't plan to wear glasses anytime soon. It hinders me when I rage quit on my Xbox. It's quite annoying. As well with the bones I've bruised a few but breaking not my kind of party.

4. I cheat a lot.... Ok but in the way that you think somerandomer2 you sly dog! Cheating in board games that is... Watch your cards they could suddenly change.....

5.  I listen a lot.... I listen on to almost every conversation that goes on around me.... Even to the ones I'm talking to... I need dirt on someone I just listen... Until something slips....

Now for a memory!!!!!!
I could do my first time playing clarinet... Or how about the time my foot got ran over... Or the time I played dirty in monopoly.... Stop thinking like that lion! Ummm ohh! Here's a good one!
When I discovered Star Wars!
Once upon a time there was a dude named Kronis.
Kronis was wondering through his elementary school looking for something to read he walked and walked looking through the sections till he found it.
The science fiction section! Kronis grabbed a book with his small hands he saw one that said Star Wars with white armored men walking and one with a little green man on a dudes back. He picked them out and went to read he learned about Jedi and Sith good and bad.
So Kronis came back everyday getting a new book to read, marvel and Star Wars and many more. Till Zaher finished the books then he turned to chapter books and movies and saw them all he became  a fan in expanded universe, and many other series he saw how good and bad wasn't black and white it was gray the good guys were sometimes bad and the bad sometimes good.
Kronis kept reading those books he just read and read and the Kronis your reading right now was shaped by that one book that one fall day.

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