Catching up with kronis

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Hey mangs

What's up?

I haven't made a chapter in a while

Funny ay?

Destiny_Lover-FORVER comes and goes

School is almost over and finals are coming up

I now work at a restaurant for only 7.50 a hour

I'm doing good at school (ok maybe 7/10)

Did well on standardized testing

Have a severe voice clot in my throat

Shaved everything off
Like really no beard or anything

Got Xbox live maybe wolf will tell me her gamer tag..... most likely not

Wrote a essay or 2

Became stronger than I ever have but still I've got roads to go

Finally became a linemen!

Get the uniform soon!

Used pencils for extremely unintended purposes.....

Working on how to become roast god

Tried to use a fidget spinner..... it's fun for maybe 10 minutes

Tried to pick up girls...... you can guess how well that went!

May write a prompt soon???? Depends if anyone wants one anymore? Oh well

Meme page got 250 subs let's go boys!

Enjoyed agents of shield

Finally went to a movie theater finally since like early 2016

Well this was fun wasn't it mangs???

Well while I'm at it I should do my thank you stuff that my canny Canadian friend Dark did!

DarkestNeon Hola! How's the weather? Ok now I'm sounding odd you were apart of the OG squad and I sorta thought you were a weeb for a bit! But turns out there's more to you then what meets the eye! You're a straight up awesome guy and funny to talk when I want to boost my spirits! Your writing when your do it is quite well and incredibly hilarious! Love those Randomer x lion prompt I used to die from laughter from reading them! Your a great guy and I wish you good luck later on in life!

BennyBedlam The man..... The myth..... The legend..... the cage fighting god who used to mildly intimidate me (AND STILL SORTA DOES) Bennnnnnnyyyy bedlam! Well there's no words that can really help me say thanks for all the good advice you've granted me! Helping me up when I felt low and like shit and having some odd talks and stuff and getting me interested in Australian culture to the point I'd love to go there! Your writing skills are of legend every word you've but on paper seems one of a master author! I have no clue how you did it and how you do it but man your a top notch friend and one of the few people I confide with! Thanks for everything!

lionmouse It is the empress.... the eternal queen..... The person who doesn't like when I mix many game references into one by mixing fallout 4 and MA Andromeda because she thanks she's slick! I mean she is! Please don't shiv pls boss! But either way you were one of the few who read my book in the beginning! And ones who inspired me to write this!

somerandomer2 You were quite a mystery to me and it seems we are on a on and off relationship between us. No matter your a nice guy and I wish you luck on future endeavors and college!

Darkest_Camera Ahh My Formally gay (straight) friend! Your a lit dude If i say so myself and helped me learn the ropes of Xbox live! Thanks mang!

Possumpants P-P-P-P-POSSUM! *base drop* Ok that was fun! Thanks for sending me Many upon many of memes! You have me advice on working a job and the dangers of workoing out tooooo hard.. which I still uphold! But overall thanks for taking time out if your day to talk to me, describe uní and stuff like that! And the average day of a Australian as well giving me some girl advice which you know would work because it's uhhhh from a girl!! But really thank you for everything! Live wild and freee!

Oh my sweet sweet Erin with the voice of a goddess and the looks of one! DONT THROW THAT BOOKSHELF AT ME!!! You like Benny and possum have helped me and given me advice on what to do and really just to talk when I get bored! So if you end up reading this sooner or later or never I'd like to say you have a great deal of appreciation!

The_Butternubber Nubbs, Butternubbs and many other names that you go by.... You were the peace keeper of the chat and very fun to talk to and convinced me to get Snapchat which I use with a few friends irl. Yeah I have friends too! Wait you don't believe me!!!! Ouch!

thethirdarmy DOO DO DO DO DOOOO DOOO A 7 NATION ARMY COUKDNT HOLD ME BACK. Every time I read your name I think of this song! Don't look at me like that! Don't throw that piano! Aaaaaa!!! All theatrics aside thanks for giving me some conversation Jabroni! Did I spell it right?? And also for reading this thing I call a book!

Wolf_Vos_Normandy The queen of mystery who I attempted to find out location by cross referencing different followers and such to piece together to puzzle! And "according" to you I got it wrong..... so who knows.... *illuminati theme* but either way thanks for coming by and reading!

KiddoCiddo Hey kiddo my tea loving Brit friend! You have given me some pointers on Brit stuff and I have you American! You have similar meme tastes and gave me conversation and I'm happy I was able to give you advice to help you!

Hopefully this made you smile!

Or not? Your call!

Peace out pásates

And in the words of Randomer.....


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