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Alright folks So wolf asked us city people to write about why we like city and I'll give it to you!

1. The night life! Going out to downtown, into the heart of the city or anywhere else you can always find some kind celebration. Especially on Friday's with fish frys and Friday night live with many bands showing up and playing.

2. The view as well at night the view of the lights form the building are quite beautiful

3. The places to go. There are so many things to do in a city! In a small community in a while you've seen it all. In a large city there is always something new if it's food, a place to hang, or something to do!

4. No one is going to try to follow you. I don't like being stocked living in a city helps give that sense of Security.

5. No one knows what your secrets are and if they do they will most likely never see them again. For example let's say somerandomer was jacking off into a watermelon and a neighbor in his community saw him by tomorrow everyone would call him the watermelon jacker!

6. You will not likely run into the same person twice and if they do there following you. As for wolf you would never know!

That's good for now!

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