Lebanese Drama Shows

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Lebanon has some of the strangest dramas I have ever seen as well I'm 7-8 hours ahead of you guys. So if I don't respond immediately that's why.

Ok so me and my grandma were chilling but I got bored and because I do speak and understand most Arabic I decided to try it out.

Fam I'm not even sure what I saw.

Ok most of them are like the dude kills someone tries to run away and hurts his family.

Another one!

Kidnapped daughter gets held hostage leaving the kickass Dad/brother to save her.

Another uno!

Someone in the family dies like the Mum or something. So the family grieves and crus and fights and tries to stay together.

Taine Wahet! (You can guess what that means)

Family falls apart becuase of money, stuff, etc.

So yeah that's fun but I miss my xbox may it rest in Pesos if it haven't been stolen that is.

Anywho I love Lebanese Pepsi!
The glass bottle ones are my favorite!
Once you have it there is no going back.
Because it makes your sappy American,UK, and Canadian.
Like shit!

Furthermore Starbucks here tastes the same but costs a bit more.

Ps2 games are as common as insane drivers.

Speaking of drivers I have nearly been hit like 2 times now.

As well only 2 street lights here.

Trying to buy stuff is hard as well they ask so many questions my name, last name, where I'm from and etc.

All bodies of water are salt, pools are salt!!!! It's tastes so bad!!!

But riding giant waves are fun!

Also got to sleep on the floor on a sfingie Like a soft mattress.

To sum it up I'm enjoying it.

As well I know those 2 dudes who I can show up and play Ps2 games any time I want.

But still like no one sell Xbox one games!!!!

Also I've been watching way to much filthy frank for my own good.

So here's a prompt for you!!!

You can choose what I do next Becuase you are my guests and I'm here to please!

So do you want us as series stuff like AC, Star Wars.

Scenarios: scary forest, going clothing shopping with lionmouse/ playing video games?, having somerandomer2 rant podcast, Sword fighting with DarkestNeon, going through ancient structures for precious items with Wolf_Vos_Normandy, going on our own adventure of epic proportions with Minnowkit?

Vote on which one you want!

That's all for now!!!!!!

(That's a catch phrase or a good ending for each of my chapters actually.)

Now off to sleep on the floor!

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