-Chapter Forty~Five

Start from the beginning

See, look what my pessimistic side did to me. I just wasted perfectly good lead to make a stupid heart with daggers stabbing into it! Ugh, I could have used that lead to take notes! We are learning how cameras were introduced. Mr. Fontana was explaining how lens first came to be...

Wait...Mr. Fontana.

He just called my name didn't he?!

I looked up at the front of the classroom, just to be met with angry brown eyes. What did I do?

" What." I asked. Well, I might have meant to ask it, but it didn't come out like a question.

Mr. Fontana's face turned a deep shade of red. It's not my fault my question came out as a statement. I bet it sounded like a rude statement. Oops.

" Can you tell me what we have for homework this weekend?" He said with his hands on his hips, not in a gay manner.

" Um...go to sleep in the afternoon and party at night?" I guessed.

Students in the classroom started snickering. Why? Was my answer really funny? I was just guessing something. And we all know that's exactly what people do on the weekend. Sleep in the afternoon and then party until the Sun comes up.

I averted my glaze from Mr. Fontana unto Jake, who was looking at me. He just shook his head and turned around. What?? I already mentioned I get distracted easily!

The last bell rung and people started jumping out of their seats. " Terri, could you please stay back?"

I wanted to answer no but I just grumbled and leaned back into my seat.

Jared gave me a pat on the back before leaving the classroom and Dawn told me to call her at 6pm.

Jake just shook his head again and walked out. I rolled my eyes at his retreating figure.

It's not my fault I got too carried away in my pessimistic vs. optimistic debate.

" Detention!!" I yelled to Jake as I walked to his car. " I have a fucking detention for not paying attention in class!"

I grumbled for the second time today. Stupid Fontana. That's a city in California. Not someone's last name.

Jake pulled me into a hug as I walked up to him. " Poor Terri. What is that, your 100th detention here?" He asked sarcastically.

" 101," I corrected him. I smiled up at him. I buried my face into his chest. Jake smelt like...Jake. What a good smell.

I pulled away from him after a few seconds. " I can't wait until we can leave this hellhole," I said.

" Yeah, but what about college?" Jake opened the passenger side door of his car for me. What a gentleman.

" Oh crap, I forgot about that. It's not like I'm going somewhere big and fancy-like Harvard of Yale or Princeton."

Jake got in the driver's side. " What if I go to one of those colleges?" He asked.

" I would seriously beat your ass," I said.

Jake chuckled. " Why?"

" Because you'd be a show-off. Because you know I won't be able to get into one of those colleges."

Jake started the car and drove away from the school's parking lot. " I'd rather be a show-off than a slacker."

I glared at him and then punched him in his arm. Which made the car jerk. I didn't mean to punch him that hard. Oops.

Jake grabbed his arm. " Don't punch the driver!" He yelled at me.

I just smiled at him and turned away from him.

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