50. Cricket and Chicken

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I grimaced as I entered the library and saw the dark clouds that spoke of yet more rain. The afternoon spend at the lake with my Lady the day before had been a welcome respite from the endless torrent of rain. It appeared now as if I would spend another day locked in doors. The library itself was empty but I knew it would not be long before the lovely ladies of the house graced me with the presence. 

I grumbled and sat in one of the overstuffed chairs in the middle of the room. If I was to continued my effort to acquaint myself more with my Lady I could not seclude myself on the edge of the room The conversation I held with her yesterday was pleasant enough as we discussed her favorite activities. Truth be told her soft lilting voice grew to be almost like a melody in my mind as the words lost all meaning when my attention drifted too often to my angel.

I ran my hand through my hair in agitation as another wave of jealousy overcame me. Everything around me seemed to melt away into nothingness when I heard her laugh, even at a distance. My hands ached to touch, my mouth to kiss. I shook my head again, it was maddening. My determination to settle for a passionless union with Geraldine seemed to be tested by every look and sound that came from my angel. She had truly put the devil in me and I wasn't sure if I could shake him off. 

I bowed my head to hide the emotions on my face when I heard the door being opened. "Ah, I see we are not the first to arrive after all, Chicken." I heard Bastion's deep voice proclaim. He sounded as if he'd spend most of his morning laughing and had the remnants still hanging about his words.

"Remind me," I said calmly, my head still down and my heart still racing, "which one of them is 'chicken'?"

I heard the chairs creek and then Bastion's over happy voice answered my question. "I forget sometimes that private nicknames tend to confuse those not close to me."

I nodded and finally looked up. Bastion and Charity were the only two others in the room. "Where is my Lady?" I asked, my voice still remained calm even if my heart did not. I took a deep breath and chastised myself. 

"Edi and Amelia pulled her aside just before we entered." Charity said meeting my gaze unwaveringly. She still felt nothing but disdain for me, I could see it in the set of her jaw and the blankness of her eyes. Just another reason to extract myself from her company. And then she smiled and the gloom disappeared from the room and my mood. "With the looks they shot my way I suspect I will not like whatever they were whispering about."

Bastion laughed and watched his daughter. "No, I think you will not. Especially if it has anything to do with being kind to you."

Charity shot her father a dark look before giving up the charade and laughing. "I'm sure it is just nonsense about how best to dress me to impress at Ursula's ball."

The mention of the dreaded even sobered my slowly rising mood. "The other day you remarked that it did not matter what they put you in, surely you must care even a little?" I asked, I did not care what she wore either but I suspect for very different reasons.

Charity giggled in a very carefree manner as she regarded me fully. Her face held an absurdity for the situation but there was an underlying current of pain that intrigued and worried me. "One day I may wish to be the prettiest girl in a room but I don't see the gain to try at a ball Ursula is hosting. Her guests will likely see me as nothing, if they see me at all. Wasting such time and money on being liked or admired by people I want nothing to do with seems foolish. Besides," she said looking over my shoulder at the entrance of the room, "trying to appear more beautiful than either Geri or Amelia at such an even would be like expecting a star to outshine the sun during the day."

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