13. A dreadful party

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I woke in the morning sore all over and still angry at Kent. According to him, and many others apparently, to be female in the employ of a male, or even around one, you must be sleeping with them. That is one of the things I detested about my father's people. I huffed and puffed in anger as I dressed myself and continued until I reached Geri's room. My sister was riding with Lady Edith and Amelia into town and I would be spending my time in the capable care of Mr. Rivers. I knocked on Geri's door and walked in, trying to keep my anger concealed and knowing I failed miserably. 

Geri frowned as soon as she saw me. "Charity, what happened to your face and where were you last night?"

I considered her for a moment as I told a half truth, "I fell in the garden and lost track of time. It's so big and there are so many different flowers I could lose myself forever in there." Geri laughed and sat down in a chair and continued to read her book while we waited for her to be called away. I sat down next to her tentatively, I had discovered more than a few welts on my backside that made sitting painful. "What are you going to do while you are in town?" I asked.

"Amelia has an acquaintance we are going to see and then Lady Edith suggested we visit some shops. I won't be back until after dinner. What will occupy your time?" She asked.

I laughed and nudged her knee. "Nocturnal wanderings and endless hours of boredom I suppose." I answered knowing it wasn't the truth but it wasn't a lie either. "What of tomorrow, what plans have you in the morning?"

Geri sighed and shrugged, "I think I shall be in the library tomorrow. Lord Kent has business that shall detain him for much of the next few days. Don't look so angry Chari, he said he would try to spare time for me each day."

I sighed and washed my anger in determination as a knock sounded at the door. "And Bada, do I have any hope of seeing him?"

Geri frowned and shook her head. "He's been in the constant company of the Earl."

I sighed and rose to answer the door. Amelia stood on the other side looking radiant in a blue travelling gown. Her face registered shock as she saw me but was quickly replaced with joy at the sight of my sister. "Geraldine you look lovely! Are you ready to go?"

I stepped aside and let Geri pass. As I watched them descend the stairs I was struck by a pang of jealousy. I ignored it as best I could, knowing it was only a product of my self-imposed exile. I made a show of trekking to the servant's quarters to begin my daily work. The next few days passed in much the same fashion as Geri needed me less and less. Mr. Rivers didn't have need of the switch as I complied with feigned joy. The noticeable difference to my time came with the peace of the garden. No handsome devils released from hell to tempt me. For which I was thankful. Even on the rare occasion that I was with Geri when Kent graced her with his infrequent presence, he paid me little heed. I wore a triumphant smile whenever these encounters concluded even if it was clouded with annoyance at his continued neglect of my sister. 

I was waiting in Geri's room on the third night to help her get ready for bed. These were the few minutes during the day that we could snatch to just be ourselves and I treasured them. I sighed as I sank my sore body into the overstuffed chairs in Geri's room and leaned my head back. 

A few minutes later Geri came through the door and laughed at me. "What do you do with your time that leaves you so exhausted?" I raised my head and smiled but said nothing. She chuckled and sat down next to me, reclining as well. "I sit around all day entertaining myself by reading and I am always exhausted. It must run in the family."

I giggled and grabbed her hand, happy to sit in comfortable silence for a moment. "I am sure it is difficult to sit under their scrutiny and pretend you can't tell they are judging you."

Geri brushed a loose strand of hair from her face. "It is not like that, not really. Lady Edith and Amelia make me feel welcome and accepted." She paused and I waited.

I hated keeping the truth from her, the truth of Kent's disinterest in a marriage to her and his sickening threat to make me his mistress. Although after the last several days I was certain I had won that wager. I chose my words carefully as I spoke. "And what of Kent?" I asked. "Does he make you feel welcomed and accepted?"

Geri sighed and looked away. "I have to give him time."

"Why?" I demanded.

Geri took a deep breath and then finally admitted. "Lord Kent did not chose this, his father did and it was sprung on him only a week before we arrived."

I tried not to bleat my disbelief. "When did you discover this?" I asked carefully.

Geri looked at me guiltily and shrugged her shoulders. "On the first day when I was separated from you in the gardens. Brandan told me to have patience and give Lord Kent time."

I scoffed and looked incredulously at her. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

Geri smiled and pulled me back so we were staring at the ceiling again. "You already liked him so much, I didn't want to add to that." We both laughed and then silence fell again. 

I struggled with myself, wondering whether I should tell her or not for the millionth time that day. "How long must you give him before you give up?"

Geri watched me closely for a while, a darkness in her eyes. "I don't know, nothing is as I imagined it would be. I know he must be a good man in someway to make his family and Brandan love him the way they do. Besides, Bada's really happy here and I could never take that from him."

I started at her words and tried to reason with her. "You know father and I would leave this instant if we thought you were unhappy."

"I know," She said quietly as she looked away.

I watched her for a few minutes and sighed. I knew the set of her jaw and the tightness in her shoulders meant she was determined to stay as long as she needed. "Okay, Geri." I surrendered. "You wait for Kent to become accustomed to the idea as long as you want, as long as you understand that I will continue to box his ears to keep him from being careless and hurting you." She smiled at me and squeezed my hand. "And as long as you promise not to marry him unless you love him beyond all reason."

Geri nodded with a radiant smile on her face. "I will not marry a man I do not love, no matter what."

I nodded my agreement and smiled. "It will be okay, even if you marry a shepherd because you are a Countess no matter what."

Geri grimaced and faced me calmly. "I have bed news."

"What?" I asked in alarm, although I could almost hear her words already.

"The Countess has issued a formal invitation for us to join her on her estate for a ball." I groaned and she laughed. "It gets worse. As her guest of honor, I must arrive three days early to attend her house party. Everyone's been invited."

I watched Geri skeptically for a moment and smiled. "I wish I had Ursula's logic. Nothing says staying out of your life like throwing a ball in your honor and demanding you attend."

We both laughed until we were hoarse.

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