4. Younger sister to the rescue

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I waited nearly an hour from the rime I saw them arrive to leave the shelter of the trees and head inside. I was perplexed by the lack of pomposity in their arrival. One small coach that could have held no more than four people meant my selection would be very scarce to enact my plan. If there wasn't a willing female amongst my dear one's staff I might as well just sign my name over to the Lady.

When Preston had said I would not find a willing participant in his house, I thought he meant that he had merely paid them off. Which would have been a trifle to deal with. But my father was as thorough as ever and there was not a single female amongst the staff. Save two very old women who looked more like wizened hags and I only thought they were women because they were called Mary and Jill and they acted as my mother's and Amelia's lady's maids.

But a small carriage was like a knife to the heart of my place because the servant, whoever she was, would likely be familiar enough with her lady to hesitate and resist me. I would just have to be persuasive, I smiled wickedly to myself. Still, I'd waited in the pouring rain hoping that more would follow the small coach. I grimaced and pulled my horse to a stop. Brandan, who was equally as soaked, if not equally as cross, stopped next to me. "Suppose I actually like her?" I asked darkly.

Brandan had heard many such comments in the last week and simply shrugged his shoulders. "Would it be that bad, to like the woman you will marry?" Brandan saw my dark look and laughed. "But why?"

"Because I would be doing exactly as my father wished and probably be happy about it." I was moody in the face of my impending future but Brandan laughed at me anyway. I ignored him and continued, "It will be a shame. I will not heel like a dog and it would be a waste."

Brandan's tone was sad as he said, "I've said it before and I will say it again, loving someone will do you good."

I harrumphed and kicked my horse into a trot. I reached the door in a few minutes and two eager young boys came forward to take the reins from mine and Brandan's hands. We would be condemned by Rivers for walking into the house so covered in mud and so I found great pleasure in such an activity. I walked over to a rather large puddle and stood in it until my toes grew numb with cold. Brandan waited for me patiently, he would neither condemn nor condone the struggle between the elderly servant and I.

I squished my toes a few times and then walked purposely into the house. I stood for a moment and waited for Rivers to come. The older man did not disappoint as he came stomping down the hall with a scowl on his long face. "If it pleases you so to make such a mess perhaps it could please you to clean it."

I looked innocently down at my puddle and shrugged. "Has my Lady arrived yet?"

"You are well aware of that." Rivers said tersely.

"And how was she, as lovely as ever?" I asked, testing the waters. I was fully aware that the household thought me already in love.

Rivers actually smiled and then seemed to remember his current company. He turned cold and distant eyes on me. "If I were a younger man, I'd take her away from you."

"Be my guest, our love runs too deep to be tempted by another. Even one such as yourself." I said grandly. Brandan laughed and then quickly apologized.

Rivers looked respectfully at Brandan and inclined his head. "As for you," He said vehemently to me. "Lady Geraldine is too good for you. She is far too innocent to be tempted by the devil in you."

"Geraldine?" I asked, my brow raised in question. Rivers turned red and sputtered for a moment. "Ah yes, I remember. Has she brought that delectable girl with her?"

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