When Tragedy Strikes (part 2)

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Here's the part two to my last update.

Percy's POV

"Percy, don't worry about Will," Annabeth said, resting a comforting hand on my back. We were at my favorite spot in the camp, a canoe directly above where Annabeth and I had shared our underwater kiss, just months before Hera had taken me. "Jason and Piper have almost left to go look for him and you can't beat yourself up for him going to the underworld. It wasn't your fault." I shook my head, holding my hands miserably in my hands. I could feel guilt rising up in my throat and filling my head, making tears threaten to leak out. 

"Annabeth, you don't get it. Before- before Nico died, before the battle, I told Will I'd watch Nico's back." I looked up at her, a single tear tracing its way down my left cheek. "Even though Nico doesn't need to be looked after, I always promise Will at the beginning of every battle. And then I let him die. I was only a few feet away, and I let him die. And then Will stopped eating, stopped coming out of his cabin. I told myself that I'd make him better, and then I let him go. He could be in the underworld by now, or he could have died. No demigod has ever succeeded in bringing someone back from the dead. Not even Orpheus, and you know that."

 Annabeth sighed, looking thoughtfully into the early morning sky. It was a bright blue color, and white, puffy clouds drifted aimlessly. The cheerful sun smiled down on us, lighting up the camp. On any other day I would have embraced the perfect weather, going for a swim in the lake or taking Annabeth down to the bottom of the ocean floor and show her everything that was down there. But today, it felt as though the weather was mocking me. Over the course of just over a week, I had lost two of my closest friends. 

"If you keep thinking like this, you'll let the guilt get to you. Will did the same thing, and look where that got him." 

"Maybe I deserve it. I basically condemned both of them." Annabeth rolled her eyes. 

"Perseus Jackson, you did nothing of the sort. Nico died in battle. He died a hero's death, which is the wish of any hero. And Will, if he is dead, he died a hero's death as well. Please don't blame yourself. There's already been enough sadness in our lives." She looked into my eyes, her stormy grey ones connecting with my sea green ones. 

"Now, Jason and Piper are leaving in less than an hour, to try to save the person you were jsut crying about being dead. Now, do you want to sit here and do nothing?" I wiped away the stray tear that had settled itself in the middle of my cheek. 

"I guess it's better than doing nothing," I sighed. I closed my eyes, summoning light waves that pushed Annabeth and I to the shore of the lake. We climbed out, and along with the rest of the camp, made our way to the edge of the camp to wish the two questers good luck. 

Jason and Piper were deep in conversation when we arrived. Piper's brown hair was pulled up in a tight ponytail, and they both had backpacks slung over their shoulders. 

"...and remember," Chiron was saying. "Look around the city, but do not go into the underworld. You ware not to put yourself in imminent danger. If you don't find him after two days, come back." Chiron paused for a second, a sorrowful look on his face. "We don't need to loose any more campers this week." Jason nodded, determined. "We'll find him, Chiron. Don't worry about that." Chiron clapped them both on the shoulders. 

"Well, good luck, you two." The other campers murmured their agreement and slowly dispersed. Soon, it was only me, Annabeth, Jason and Piper. 

"Thanks, you two," I said, looking both Piper and Jason in the eye. "I have to know that someone is out there looking for Will. I wanted to go myself, but-" Jason smirked, cutting me off. 

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