Summer Love(p2)

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Hi guys, here's the part two to last week's one shot, so enjoy!

Nico's POV

It's hot on the beach. So hot, like sticky fourth of July parades and the inside of a car after it's sat for five hours. Sand sticks to his skin, glued by sweat and coating his arms and his bare ankles, but he doesn't mind. He feels as if he's floating, held up by the beach, and Will's soft arm is underneath him. When he looks over at Will, he can see the stars reflected in his eyes, and on his lips is a smile, soft and sweet. It isn't the biggest that Nico has ever seen but even so it means something, about the kiss, and about the future. "Hey," Nico says. Will turns. "What're you thinking of?" 

"I don't know," Will says. "Everything."

 A pit forms in Nico's stomach and it isn't the biggest, but he knows that left untreated, it will grow. "Do you regret it?" 


"The kiss," Nico says. He scratches the back of his head. "Do you regret it?" 

"Oh, I definitely don't regret it," Will says. He inches closer, cupping Nico's cheek in his hand. His skin is warm but not the boiling warmth like before, but the kind of warmth that comes with a fireplace in the winter, or a cup of hot cocoa after sledding. Even though Will is looking at Nico instead of the stars, they still carry a bit of their brightness, and they shine brighter than Nico thought possible. "I'm just- thinking." 

"About what?" 

"About stuff," Will says. "Like, what happens next?" 

"Whatever we want to happen next," Nico says. "We're completely free. Well, kind of." His mind goes to the next day when they have to go back to being normal counselors, who hadn't kissed the night before, who are just there to do their jobs, get money, and leave. And then it jumps to a week later where the kiss is just a blip in their memory and then, two weeks, where the prospect of leaving forever is on the horizon. 

"I feel like there's something I need to say," Will says. Nico's heart plummets and he tries to keep his emotion from showing on his face. 


"I feel like we shouldn't try to pursue, like, an actual relationship," Will says, taking his hand and rubbing the back of Nico's with his thumb. "Like, it would be nice, but I think it would be too hard. Like, we both go to college in the fall. It would be really hard." 

"Yeah, I kinda figured that," Nico says, pursing his lips. He blinks hard, trying to keep tears from forming. Of course, it would be too naive to hope that something real would form out of the kiss, in the heat of the summer in a camp in the middle of nowhere. Any romance they had would be temporary, and he feels the truth start to sting. "But we have a couple of weeks, right? We can just be friends. Who kiss once in a while." 

Will smiles and his face is bright. He presses a quick kiss to Nico's lips, and for the second time that night, Nico feels the warmth from before reach every tip of his body. "I'd like that," Will says. 

"Good," Nico says. Their romance might be temporary but for now, the promise and excitement it offers are all Nico needs. "Me, too." He rolls so that his body is pressed up against Will's body and even though they need to get back to their cabins soon, be up early for swim hour, he lets himself relax into the moment of just being held by Will. 

Will's POV

Will is usually up and energized for the early morning swim at six-thirty but this morning, he stumbles groggily out of bed, groping for his swimsuit in the dark before slipping into the bathroom to change. As soon as he steps out of the bathroom he's bombarded by ten-year-olds, screaming his name in shrill voices too early in the morning. "Can we go now?" Andrew asks, giving him the toothy smile that Will can never say no to. "Will, I wanna swim. It's hot out." 

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