Pit Stop(Part 2)

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Here's a part 2 to last week's one shot that someone requested!

Nico's POV

"You're sure you're okay closing up the shop?" Tana asked as she grabbed her keys and one of the remaining white-wrapped sandwiches from the cooler. 

"Yes, Tana," Nico grinned, brushing crumbs off of one of the tables with a well worn white cloth. "I'm fine. Go home, get some sleep."

"Just remember that the chip guy is coming in half an hour," Tana reminded him. "It's already been payed, but you're going to have to unpack and then you're done. Got all of that?"

"Yes, Tana," Nico laughed, giving her a light shove. "Bye. Have a good night. See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow." The bell above the door chimed as Tana slipped out into the midnight air, swallowed by the darkness. Nico was alone.

The deli sign buzzed with electricity as he wiped down the tables, ketchup and mustard splotches coming off with ease and the crumbs that had fallen to the floor swept away by the broom. He packed away the remaining subs into the cooler, mopping down the bathroom stalls and shutting off the lights in preparation for the chip delivery that would end the night. When the deli sparkled Nico sighed, wiping the dirt smudges from his hands. When he was positive that there was nothing else to do he slid into the booth closest to the door, pulling out his phone and clicking on his email. His breath caught in his throat as he saw an email from the Dayton Tribune sitting in his inbox and as he slid it open as a feeling of happiness bubbled up into his throat. Congratulations! it read. You are this year's winner of the Dayton Tribune writing contest! This award comes with publication in next week's issue, permanent publication on our website, a complimentary subscription to the Dayton Tribune and a five hundred dollar check. Please come to our offices on 31 high street to collect your check. Nico punched the air, the smile straining his cheeks. 

"Yes!" he yelled. "Yes, yes yes, yes!" He danced in the deli alone, covered by the darkness that swallowed the building whole. The glow from his phone still sitting on the table spat happiness into the room. He was still dancing when the bell above the door chimed and a person hidden by boxes stumbled in, a swatch of blonde hair showing over the top. "Oh, sorry, let me help you with those," Nico gasped, his cheeks flushing in embarrassment as he hopped over to the man and reaching for the two boxes on the top.

"Thanks." The voice sparked some sort of recognition in the back of Nico's mind but he couldn't quite place a finger on it until he grabbed the boxes and two familiar sky blue eyes were staring at him and Nico's voice caught in his throat. 

It was difficult to push out his strangled whisper in his shocked state, the words sticking to the roof of his mouth until he was finally able to push them from the tip of his tongue. "Hi, Will."


The boxes were left abandoned on the ground, two bags of chips missing from the top box as Nico and Will faced each other in the booth next to the door, the crunch of the chips filling the deli. "I never thought I'd see you again," Will said quietly, smiling softly.

"Is that a good thing?" Nico laughed. 

"No, no, of course not," Will said hastily, his face flushing until he saw Nico's smile. "You were joking." 

"Of course," Nico grinned. "I never thought I'd see you again, either. But I'm glad I did."

"So, what have you been doing?" Will asked, grabbing a chip from his bag. "How's the writing going?"

"Really well, actually," Nico said, blushing. "I just won my first contest." Will's face lit up.

"That's amazing!" Will laughed. "I'm so happy for you!" He squeezed Nico's arms, his hand lingering before it dropped to the table, his other hand rustling the chip bag.

Solangelo One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora