Haunted (big) House

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Yay! This is part two of the three part Halloween series, so yeah, I hope you like it!

Will's POV

Nico and I stood in front of the big house, gazing up at the creepy decorations. The Hephaestus cabin had done the decorations, and thunder and lightning boomed down from the top of the big house. Screams of the other campers emanated from inside and when Nico grabbed my hand, I noticed a slight tremor.  

"Are you excited to go in?" I asked him. For my entire life, I had loved haunted houses. The thrill had always woken me up and made me beg for more, and with Leo in charge, this would be the best one I had been in yet. Nico nodded. 

"Y- yeah, of course," he stammered. I surged forward, and Nico followed. 

Chiron was sitting calmly by the door, peacefully reading a thick paperback as if the screams didn't bother him. 

"Ah, are you boys going in?" he asked. He peered at us from behind his glasses, and I spotted a glimmer in his eye. Bravely, I nodded. 

"And you, Mr. Di Angelo?" Chiron was directing his question at Nico now. I  looked down at my boyfriend, who nodded a brave yes. Chiron reached out with one long leg and kicked open the door. 

"Goodbye," he said. We entered and closed the door, and the light from outside was gone. 

We were in the lobby of the big house. It was pitch black, and we couldn't see a thing. Nico's trembling body drew closer to me, and I could feel his body quivering against mine. 

"Do you know what's going to happen?" he whispered. I shook my head. Suddenly, a light switched on in the far corner. We could now see that the room was decorated in spiderwebs strung across the ceiling. A lithe mechanical spider, clearly of Leo's making, was spinning more webs, these made out of glittering gold filament. Leo sat cross- legged in an armchair near the lamp. He was dressed in all black, with his curly brown hair tucked into a black cap and his brown skin was smeared with black face paint. Still, the familiar mischievous glimmer in his eye was there. 

"This is your last chance to turn back, you know," he told us. "After you leave this room, all the windows are locked and I lock the door behind you. Then, the only way out will be through the exit. Are you sure you're ready?" I looked down at Nico. 

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I murmured, quiet enough so that Leo wouldn't hear. "I know you're scared. You can leave, if you want." Nico shook his head. 

"If you're staying, I'm staying." 

"So, are you going through the haunted house?" Leo asked. 

"Yes, we are," Nico said, mustering as much courage as he could. Slowly, Leo creaked open the door leading to the rest of the house. 

"Well then, I'll see you when you get out. That is, if you get out." The last thing we heard before Leo locked us in was his evil cackle of joy. 

It was dark, with only flickering fairy lights on the ceiling to show light. A noise machine had been set up, so it sounded like we were in the forest, pitted against an army of monsters, with no weapons. Somehow, Leo had manipulated the floor so that it felt like we were tilting. Nico squeezed my hand for reassurance, and I squeezed back. I heard Nico's relieved sigh that I was still here. 

"What do we do now?" He asked. His voice was low, as if he expected to be attacked at any moment. 

"Just keep walking, I guess," I responded. Step by step, hoping we wouldn't run into anything, Nico and I made our way across the room. As we walked, glowing eyes appeared. I felt something furry brush up against my leg. Nico gave a small whimper. 

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