Longing or Lust(p3)

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Once again, mentions of sex and stuff(nothing ever graphic though) although you'd probably know that by the third part, so if you don't like that stuff just skip past. Anyway, enjoy!

Nico's POV

He's not exactly sure how he feels when he gets that familiar text from Will, the my parents aren't home text or the everyone's asleep and the back door is open text. Exasperated, maybe. Sick and tired and exasperated of making the long trek to Will's house and returning with significantly less dignity than before. He chews on his bottom lip, staring cooly at the text with his phone perched loosely in his hands. He's sure that Will is beginning to wonder why it's taking Nico so long to respond. He's usually so quick with the yes, so quick to offer to be the one to provide the condoms, so quick to bend to Will's every request. The doubt is a new feeling for him, and he isn't sure whether or not he likes it.

Still, though, he types out a quick sure, making it careless enough that Will knows he isn't exactly happy about it, but still willing. Maybe it'll make Will work harder, make him see that he needs to work for a relationship, rather than just sending a quick text and letting Nico pine. At this point, Nico isn't sure why he's still pining because Will has made it painfully obvious that he's only interested in him for his body. It's been painfully reminded to him that they both started having sex just for the sex, and Nico can't
complain when he suddenly wants more than that. But maybe Nico should tell him what he wants, ask for a date, a conversation. He did offer to hang out last time, anyway. Maybe that's a start.

His head feels clear as he walks down the street in the light of the dying sun, music playing through his earbuds, phone tucked safely in his back pocket. His arms swing at his side, feet bouncing to the beat of the music with his eyes staring straight ahead. He'd normally look at his surroundings as he walked, watching as the rundown houses turn nicer with each street he rounds onto, reach up to brush the vibrant green leaves on branches that bow low, tips scraping at the top of his head. But today, he doesn't. Today he doesn't because his head feels clear and his arms are swinging and he finally knows what he wants.

He slips past the empty driveway, glancing into the dark windows as he makes his way past the perfectly manicured garden on his way to the back door. They were always careful. He opens it quietly, padding through the dimly lit house and sticking close to the banister as he creeps up the stairs, keeping an eye on the entryway. Will had said his family was gone, but he also warned that there was a chance they'd be home early. Nico wasn't sure how he'd react if he found a random person going up his staircase, so he figured he'd keep an eye out.

When he knocks on Will's door he gets an immediate response to just come in. It creaks when he opens it and he's met with the sight of Will sprawled across his bed, bare feet hanging off of the edge with his face dimly lit by the glow of his phone. He glances up when he sees Nico, a sly grin spreading across his face. "Hey."

"Hey." He kicks off his shoes; he knows what's coming next.

"Did you bring a condom?"

"Uuh." He pats his pockets, frowning when he doesn't feel the familiar circular bump pressing against the denim of his jeans. "I think I forgot one. Sorry." His tone is flat, and he knows that he doesn't sound sorry. He always brings one, so it's fair of Will to assume that he'd have one. But still, he's getting so tired of being the one to go to the store, shell out his money and be tasked with the relatively important job of remembering to bring it, just because he's trained Will to expect it. "Do you have one?" Will's mouth twists into a frown and he sighs heavily, shutting off his phone and pushing himself up off of his bed as if it takes all the effort in the world.

"Dunno. Lemme check."

"You know I'm not doing this without one, right?"

"Yeah, Nico, that'd be pretty dumb, wouldn't it?" He says it with a smirk as he paws around in his drawers, past crumpled up candy wrappers and his treasured porn magazine. Once, Nico remembers, he had asked Will about it as they had lain down in his bed with nothing but a thin sheet separating their bare bodies from the world, listening to the rain pound down outside. Will had insisted Nico stay that night, to protect him from the harshness of the elements. That had been a good night. And Will had said that it was because it was old fashioned. He liked doing it the way they used to, he had said. That was all he needed. Which Nico had found weird at the time, and still did, but he wouldn't push it. Because he never did.

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