More Than Anything, I Love You

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Hey guys just to let you know this was written about a month and a half ago, and I'm not sure how good it is but I'm going to post it anyway because I have nothing else to post!! It's been kind of a hectic week I had to use this one. Also sorry about what I'm about to do to Solangelo hehe.

Nico's POV

When Nico heard crying in the bathroom he paused, his head turning to face the brown door. The school was silent, most of the students long departed. Outside the soccer team dribbled balls in between cones and he knew that upstairs a study group lounged in the library, preparing themselves for upcoming college applications. His detention had ended minutes ago, the others stuck in the room with him for the stifling hour hopping out of the school at the first chance they got. There shouldn't have been crying in the bathroom but yet the sobs filled his eardrums, pulling at a place in his heart that dragged him inside. 

Percy's back was pressed against the wall, his arms limp at his side as quiet tears slid down his face. "What happened?" Nico murmured, sliding down next to him. Their hands bumped together and Nico considered inching his away before deciding to let it stay, nestled against Percy's finger.

"She dumped me," he said, his voice low and husky. "Five years, and she dumped me. I can't believe she dumped me. Couldn't make the long distance work, she said. I would have come to California with her, if she had asked. I have time, I'd find a college close to Stanford and we'd see each other every day. But she didn't even try."

"Perce, I-" Nico bit his lips, trying to come up with something other than saying sorry. "I'm sorry." He couldn't even do better than that."

Percy shook his head, sniffling. "It's fine," he said. "It's just- I don't even know what I'm going to do without her. Five years, and now she's gone. Nothing's ever going to replace her."

"You'll find someone else," Nico promised. "It might take some time, but she's not the only one out there for you." 

"I know you're right," Percy said. "But it's like there's this hole inside of me, that I feel like I can never fill." Nico's hand inched onto Percy's, giving it a light squeeze. 

"I'm here for you," he said. Something thumped in his chest, a beast awakening after years of being shoved down. Outside he could hear the soccer team cheering a teammate on. Will was out there, dressed in his cute uniform, his hair tousled. But Percy was inside, tear tracks down his face. 

"Thank you." Percy threw his arms around Nico's neck, his tears staining Nico's shirt. Nico bit his lips, the beast inside of him roaring. When they broke apart Nico was staring into Percy's emerald green eyes, the beast inside of him crawling up his throat. He wasn't in control when his lips were crashing into Percy's but his emotions were a frenzy of joy and delight and all things good, the beast inside of him roaring its approval. He could feel Percy kissing him back, his lips soft and smooth. He tasted like blueberries, just like Nico had always imagined. 

They scrambled apart when the door swung open and Austin was staring at them with wide eyes full of questions. "Nico, what- what-" he stammered, his face pale. "Will- Will's out there. He's on that field, right outside. What are you doing?"

"Austin, I can explain." Nico leapt up, his limbs trembling. "It's not was it looks like, it's just- I was just-" 

"Cheating on Will." Austin's voice had gone cold, a voice that had been so nervous seconds ago turning to steel. "You know I have to tell him."

"Austin, come on," Nico begged, a tear pooling up in his eye. "You don't have to. It was one kiss, it didn't mean anything."

"It meant something alright," Austin said, turning out the door. "You had a choice, and you made the wrong one. Maybe Will won't care, maybe he'll forgive you. But he has the right to know."

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