Travel AU

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So, I'm in Quebec for a few days so I decided to write this. I'll be putting in translation for the few french words that'll be in it. Hope you like it!

Will's POV

I swung my bag onto one of the creaky beds of the cheap hostel (a/n: a hostel is a cheaper hotel, for those of you who don't know) and my boyfriend Nico did the same on the other side. As part of our school's french program, the school was sponsoring a four day trip to Quebec City, because France was just too expensive. Our other roommates filtered in, looking around at the dismal room. The school was relatively poor, and the trip had sapped up quite a bit of the funding, so there could be anywhere from five to ten people in a room with only one queen sized bed and one set of bunk beds. At least we had been lucky to score our own bathroom. The public ones would be a nightmare. 

"First things first," Frank said once everyone was in the room. "We need to arrange the sleeping places.

"I vote Nico and Will get the queen sized," Leo grinned with a gleam in his devilish eye. "They're going to want to sleep together." 

"Obvoiusly," Jason snorted. "There's no way I'm sleeping with any of you. I want the top bunk."  Percy turned toward him. 

"I think you're mistaken, Grace. That bunk is mine."

"I can't believe you idiots are already fighting about this," Nico groaned, flopping onto our shared bed in frustration. 

"Someone needs to have it," Jason complained. 

"Yeah, and it's going to be me." Jason and Percy were giving each other the evil eye. For friends, they fought a lot. 

"I can't believe I have to do this," Nico groaned, getting up. He got in front of all four of the boys, putting a number behind his back. One hand was clenched in a fist, the other had one finger out, the rest of the fingers closed into a fist. 

"Whoever gets the number gets the top bunk, the second closest gets the bottom. the other two get the floor."

"I'm going first!" Percy shouted. "Five." Jason glared at Percy, and I was guessing he had been going to pick five as well. 

"Six," Jason decided. 

"Three." Frank was closer than either of the two. I knew Jason wouldn't be happy when he discovered he inevitably got the floor. Nico nodded to Leo. 

"So, what do you think it is?" Leo cocked his head, scrutinizing Nico. He studied every inch of him, as if looking would get him the answer. At last, an impish grin appeared on his face. 

"It's one." His tone was the most sure I had ever heard. Nico shook his head in wonderment and brought out both hands. One finger was held up, all others bent inward toward his hand. 

"Leo gets top bunk, Frank gets bottom. Percy and Jason, you're on the floor." The two losers stared daggers at Leo, who giggled and climbed the ladder to the top bunk, waving down at us from his perch. I tossed Percy and Jason the two yoga mats I'd been carrying, the ones that they'd be sleeping on for the next three nights. Percy was surveying the room, trying to find the best sleeping spot. His eyes landed on a soft armchair near the window. 

"I call the chair!" He called out. He darted over and put his duffel bag on it before Jason had a chance to respond. Jason cursed under his breath and laid out his yoga mat on Nico's side of the bed, the one right next to the heater. 

"Well, at least I'll be warm," he sighed. 

"So, what do you want to do?" Percy asked after everyone had finished setting up their bedding. I shrugged. 

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