Saturday Sun(p2)

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Hi guys, here's the part two to last week's one shot! And I put the video up top, just in case you haven't heard the song yet. Enjoy!

Will's POV

"So, when are we going to meet this mystery man who you're totally in love with?"

"Whenever you feel like going down to the surf shop and saying hi," Will responds, scribbling down notes onto a crumpled sheet of paper as his textbook lays in front of him, the words tiny and the images complicated. "And we're not in love, Percy. I just met him a few days ago."

"You have been talking about him a lot," Annabeth points out. "You seem like you like him at least, which is good. I don't think I've ever heard you talk about someone like that before." Will sighs, setting down his pencil and falling down onto his bed, the past three days rushing through his mind. It feels like forever ago when they were on the beach, kissing by the bonfire as the stars glittered above them. Years passed since Nico spent the night in Will's bed, and ages have gone by since waking up at four to walk down to the empty beach to see the sunrise paint the water pink and orange. But it's only been three days, and that's something Will can barely comprehend.

"Yeah, I do," he says, the happiness seeping into his voice. "I like him a lot."

"I'm happy for you, bud," Percy says, grinning. "Sucks that we're leaving tomorrow, though."

"Percy!" Annabeth shoots him a look and turns back to Will. She's trying to smile but Will can see underneath her facade, and there's a small sadness that breaks Will's heart. "You still have all of today with him. And tomorrow, until seven. There's still time. Don't listen to him."

"No." Will sighs, sitting back up and grabbing his pencil. "He's right. We're leaving tomorrow night, and I can't exactly make a long distance relationship like this work, especially not this deep into the school year. I should break it off. I don't even like him that much." The words sound fake, even to him, but it breaks his heart just to say it. He turns back to the textbook but he can still feel the intense gaze of his friends and when he looks up they're staring unblinkingly, and Annabeth is biting his lip. "What? What else can I do?" Will's voice cracks at the end and Annabeth sighs, inching closer and resting her hand on his leg. Maybe she truly has an answer to the impossible question Will's been contemplating since the first kiss, or maybe she can just hear the desperation in his voice.

"You could stay a little longer," she offers tentatively. 

"You know I can't do that. I have so much left to learn. And I'm not sure if I can get my payment back."

"People do it all the time," Percy says. "Leo did it last year when his mom needed help with their shop. He was gone for a month and a half, right before finals, even, and he still did fine. You could do the same thing."

"It's different," Will says. "I can't put my life on hold for a guy. I have to think about my future."

"He could be your future," Percy says. "You haven't really given much thought to your romantic life at all. Do you want a steady boyfriend, get married? Or do you want to die alone?"

"Percy, I'm not gonna die alone," Will says, rolling his eyes. "You're being melodramatic. And I have to go. We're having dinner together." 

"Think about it, while you're with him," Annabeth urges. "You could just take another week, just to see if it's worth pursuing, okay?" She rests her hand on his arm, squeezing gently. 

"Yeah, yeah, I will." Will smiles softly as he slides off of the bed, crossing his arms over his chest. "Thanks. I should get going."

"Yeah, have fun on your date," Annabeth says, her voice rising in the end. Just before the door closes behind him he can hear whispering and two sets of eyes on his back.

Solangelo One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora