Città Dell'Amore(p4)

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So I'm trying to keep this accurate and since it's set in Italy there's a little bit of Italian. I'm using google translate for it so it's probably not completely right, but I'd rather have inaccurate words than Italian characters speaking English, if you get what I mean. The translations will be next to the words. Also, I'm so sorry this is late but I hope you like it!

Will's POV

The door shut with a deadly click and Jessica crossed her arms over her chest, defiance masking the true emotion on her face but through the cracks Will could see it, an expression that broke his heart it half; pain. "Start talking," she demanded, sitting on the edge of the bed with her back stick straight and one foot bouncing. 

"Listen, I'm sorry," Will said quietly, his eyes staring above Jessica's head and out the window, the fire escapes criss crossing the buildings. "This was all my fault, and I should have talked to you first."

"Yeah, you should have. But get on with the story. You've been weird this entire trip." Will sighed, scratching absentmindedly at his arm. 

"I like boys," he said, sitting down next to Jessica. She was staring at him but he was looking at the carpet, splattered with colors. 

"Do you like girls?"

"I-I don't know."

"But you don't like me." Her voice was soaked in pain and despite the fact that he felt no love for her, despite the fact that he loved Nico, and despite the fact that it was all his fault, remorse still slapped him in the face.

"You're great and all," he said with a shaky sigh. "Really great. But I just don't think that we should be together. I like Nico, Jessica, I'm so, so sorry." She sighed, tapping her fingers on her leg. It seemed like every part of her body was moving; her leg bobbing up and down, her eyes shifting side to side, her fingers fidgeting. Maybe if she moved enough, she wouldn't have to deal with the truth. "This has been a huge part of my life, figuring out that I liked guys. For years it hasn't felt like our relationship was real and with Nico, I feel like I have something real, that makes both of us happy."

"Have you kissed?" Her voice was scratchy and quiet, cracking at the end. 

"Twice. Or three times, I'm not sure."

"You didn't have to do that," she told him. He watched as a tear slipped down her face, dropping onto the floor. "You didn't have to cheat on me. You could have talked to me."

"I know, and I'm sorry," Will said for the umpteenth time that conversation. "I didn't think you'd understand."

"Oh, I understand just fine." She stood up, wiping her tears with the back of her hand. "For this entire trip you've been sneaking around behind our backs. All those late night walks, early morning coffees, those were with Nico. Avoiding me and things that I wanted to do together, as a couple, you pushed me off to spend time with Nico. This trip was supposed to be about us but instead, it was about Nico. Is that it?"

"Yeah, pretty much," Will sighed, staring at the floor. She seemed to tower over him, tear streaked face and angry mouth. 

"If it wasn't already clear, this is over," she said, scrubbing at her eyes and heaving a shaky sigh. "You broke my heart, and I want you to know that. If you had told me what was going on when you had realized you liked him, I would have helped you as much as I could have. You're a good person. We could have stayed friends. But you cheated on me, and that's not okay. Bye, Will." 

She turned away from him but stopped when he called out "wait!" with a hint of desperation in his voice. She paused in the doorway, light bathing her front. "I'm sorry," he cried. "What I did was inexcusable but please, Jessica, just know that I'm sorry."

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