A Little Love for the New Year

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I know that it's after new years, but I wanted to write this, so here's a new year's one shot! Also, there are going to be mentions of underage drinking in this, so if that makes you uncomfortable, feel free to skip over this one! This is a high school AU, by the way.

Nico's POV

When someone told me that Will Solace was here, I didn't believe them. When Percy had sidled up to me, throwing his arm around my shoulder and yelling something that sounded like "Will Solace is here!" over the pounding music that seemed to be vibrating the room, I was inclined to slug him in the arm and send him back to Annabeth. 

"You always love to say that," I muttered, rolling my eyes. "You told me that he was at that concert that one time. You told me that he was at the mall, and he told me that he was standing outside of my house one time at one in the morning. And guess what? He wasn't there." 

"Yeah, but this time he is here," Percy slurred. "I saw him. His blonde head, bobbing through the crowd. He's here. I'd swear it on a huge piece of blue cake." 

"One little relationship in freshman year, and you think you can tease me about it for the rest of my life," I complained. "He moved away years ago, why can't you just drop him?" 

"It wasn't a little relationship, it lasted for a year and a half before he moved away," Percy insisted. He was swaying a tiny bit, his hand clamped over my shoulder. "You're still hung up on him, I know you are." 

"Yeah, and I know you're drunk," I said, grabbing his hand and dragging him over to the side of the room where Annabeth was leaning against the streamer covered wall, sipping at a glass of punch and watching us over the plastic rim. Since she had arrived someone had dumped what looked like an entire bucketful of glitter over her beachy blonde waves and it had drifted down to lightly dust her eyelashes and silver silk tank top. She stopped drinking the punch when she saw that I was dragging Percy to her. 

"What's he done this time?" She smirked, accepting the gift of her boyfriend's arm. Percy leaned over, giving her a sloppy kiss on the cheek, making her grin a tiny bit, ducking her head down. 

"He keeps insisting that Will is here," I said, crossing my arms. "Remember the one I dated for like a second in ninth grade?" 

"It was a year and a half," Annabeth reminded me. "And I know that most of the time Percy says that Will is here he's lying, but this time he's not. Will really is here." This caught my attention. Percy insisting that my long lost love was in the building was one thing, but Annabeth saying it was a completely different story, a story that I believed. Without even realizing my arms dropped to my side and I did a one eighty to face the crowd, a dense mob of people nearly five hundred thick. Everywhere I turned there was a Will, but none of them were really him. One had brown eyes instead of blue, one was too short, one was completely freckle-less. 

"Where?" I demanded. "Where is he? Did you see him?" 

"The last I saw he was with Cecil right over here," Annabeth said, gesturing to her right. "I told him you were here. He's probably looking for you." 

"I have to find him," I gasped, scanning the crowd for a sign, any sign at all of Will. 

"Go," Annabeth encouraged, shooing me away with her left hand. Percy was still clinging to her right like it was his lifeline. "Everyone deserves a little love for the new year."

I took off through the crowd, shoving my way through the mob of dancers, darting across the dance floor. There was an empty table and I leapt up on it, surveying the heads of the crowd desperately. Will could already be gone, I thought. Or I could finally see him again after over a year of him being gone, and he would want nothing to do with me. Maybe he was dating Cecil. Cecil did invite Will all the way to his house in New York all the way from California, after all. But all of the thoughts were pushed from my head when I saw two figures heading up the long spiral staircase of Cecil's house, one unmistakably hot, blonde, and very gay. "Will!" I called out, jumping off the table and back into the crowd. I began to push myself through the crowd to get to Will, desperate to get to the staircase before I lost sight of Will.

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