Città Dell'Amore(p3)

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Will's POV

He could feel Percy's eyes at his back. They watched what he did, ears listening to what he said. He sat helpless as Percy followed his every mood, his eyes flickering to Will's phone screen whenever a text from Nico sent the fatal ding through the air. When Nico texted Will shut himself in his room, the light from his phone illuminating his face. Can you meet me at the coffee shop? Will turned his ear to the rest of the apartment, the tv playing quietly in the background. Five minutes? he typed back, his heart beating at the walls of his chest as the three dots popped up on his screen. Looking forward to it! 

He grinned as he pushed himself up from his bed, cracking open the door and slipping out of his room. Jessica and Annabeth were lounging on the couch, popping chips into their mouths as an Italian sitcom played out on the tv. Percy stood at the island in the kitchen, spreading a thick layer of peanut butter onto a bagel. "Hey, where are you going?" he called out to Will, his head snapping up from his bagel. 

"Just grabbing some coffee," Will muttered, throwing on his shoes and leaving the laces snaking over the carpet. "I'll be back soon."


"Bye, Percy." He slammed the door behind him and once he was out of Percy's watchful eye he took off down the stairs, his shoelaces flying behind him. He shoved the door open, sprinting down the street but as he ran past his apartment he could have sworn he felt Percy's eyes watching every move. 


"How are you?" Nico asked as he sipped at his cappuccino, brushing a strand of hair out of his face. "I feel like I haven't seen you in forever."

"It's been rough trying to get away," Will responded. "Percy's been watching me like a hawk. I think he's suspicious." 

"Have you tried talking to him?" Nico asked, his brows creasing. "Maybe he'd understand." Will shook his head, rubbing his hands over the cup. 

"He wouldn't understand," he muttered. "He'd just tell me I'm a bad person."

"You're not cheating on her, you know. We haven't actually done anything."

"Technically I'm not cheating on her," Will sighed. "It still feels like it."

"Talk to him," Nico urged. "I know Percy, I've known him for years- he'd understand."

"Soon," Will said as his phone dinged in his back pocket, a text from Jessica on his screen. We're going to brunch soon, it read. You and Percy should get back soon. Percy was gone? "I should go," he said, standing up and grabbing his coffee. "I'll see you later." Nico gave him a sad smile, resting his hand on Will's. 

"See you later." 

When Will stepped out of the café there were footsteps behind him and Percy appeared at his shoulder, his green eyes steely. "You going back to the apartment? Or are you going to disappear with one of your other friends who you've been abandoning us for?"


"Will, come on," he said as he crossed his arms over his chest, rolling his eyes. "What's up."

"Nothing, Percy," Will replied quietly. "Nico and I are just friends."

"I won't tell Jessica if you tell me." Percy's eyes were burning into him with pity and Will glanced at the ground, swallowing. 

"I'm just confused," he muttered, staring at a small rock sitting by his feet. 

"About what?"

"Everything," he cried. "Percy, I have no idea what I'm doing! I thought I liked Jessica, and then at some point I just stopped, and then I met Nico and I guess that made me realize how much I hate being with a girl."

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