Broken Hearts Club(p2)

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Per request, here's part two, enjoy!

Will's POV

It's been three months. Three months since Nico's breakup, since the scene in the bathroom filled with pizza and pining. In those three months Nico had started talking to Percy again; as friends, of course, but their old friendship began to heal and with it, Nico's heart. Will could see it in Nico's eyes, how they no longer carried the indescribable sadness of heartbreak, how his smile was just a bit wider and there was a newfound bounce in his step that wasn't there right after the breakup. The past three months had brought healing, laughter, and had opened the door for new relationships. At least for one of them.

Will is still pining. It's been three months since the breakup, years since the beginning of Will's crush, and he still can't get over Nico. He laughs along with Nico's jokes about downloading a dating app(even though Will knows he never would) and his comments about how the new guy is kinda cute(although Will disagrees- he's too sunshine-y for Will's taste) without ever reminding Nico that, maybe, the person he's looking for is right in front of his eyes.

"You're staring again," Jason says, poking Will in the arm.

"What?" Will asks, jumping a bit at the sudden physical connection. He wishes he could say he was absorbed in the book he's supposed to be reading for English, the one he's taking a quiz on next period, the one he's only read fifteen pages of. But Nico's hair always looks glossy, even in the shine of the library lights as he researches a history project, and it had captivated Will's attention until he was a different level of distracted.

"You're staring," Jason says, rolling his eyes. "And you're not exactly slick about it."

"I was looking at my friend," Will says, inching away from Jason. "That's not weird."

"Not when you say it like that," Jason says. "But when you've been staring at someone for five minutes straight with a blank expression on your face, that's a little strange." Will rolls his eyes, picking up his book.

"I'm reading, Jason," he says. "For the quiz, next period, you know, on the book neither of us have read? I mean, this point we can't even cheat off of each other. It'll be a disaster." He absentmindedly flips a page as the information pours out of his head as if someone had opened up a faucet. It doesn't matter, though. He's bound to fail no matter what.

"Stop changing the subject," Jason says. "Besides, this is more important than our English quiz. You know I know you like him, right?"

Will fights off the urge to laugh. "Yeah, as a friend. Obviously. I mean, we've been friends since sixth grade. Would be kinda weird if I didn't like my friend, right? I mean, you like me, 'cause I'm your friend. And I like you, 'cause you're my friend. That's how these things work."

"Dude, shut up, you know what I mean," Jason says. "You're pining. I can tell. And you need to tell him how you feel before you go crazy and lock him in your closet or something."

"You don't even have any proof," Will says.

"You kept muttering his name the last time you took a nap in English."

"That doesn't-"

"And I've seen your Pinterest," Jason continues. "I mean, come on, man, really? A sun and moon themed wedding? Could you be any more obvious?"

Will feels his face go hot and he slams his book shut with a snap that echoes throughout the library. English doesn't really matter, anyway. Do you have to know how to read to become a doctor? "So maybe I have a little crush," Will says, his voice hushed. "Just a little one. But don't tell him. Or anyone else, for that matter."

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