Happiness Is A Good Look On You

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Will's POV
I heard the door to our small apartment open and Nico stumbled in, hair plastered to his forehead by the rain and coat wound around his body. He shook his head, his hair flying around him like a halo and raindrops flying from the tips of his black locks.

"How is it out there?" I asked, setting down the steaming cup of tea I had been holding and scooting over on the couch, patting the spot next to me for Nico to sit. He stumbled over, collapsing onto the soft surface and burying his head in my lap.

"Terrible," he groaned. "It's pouring, in case you didn't notice. The subway was packed and I'm exhausted." He raised his head and I could see the dark circles hanging underneath his eyes, a raindrop slipping down the side of his face.

"You look tired," I commented, carding my fingers through his hair. He loved it when I played with his hair and based off of the satisfied sigh that came as a small puff of air, I could say that this time was no different. "How was work?"

"Do you know how awful it is to serve foot to idiot customers who claim their sweet tea is too sweet and demand a refund?" Nico was playing with a spare string on the arm of the couch and I was still running my fingers through his hair, taking out all of the raindrops hanging to the strands. "It's just eight hours of walking around with five heavy plates of food on your arms, it's about as good as it sounds. I make money, though. Two hundred dollars this shift."

"That's good, than," I said. "Besides, now you can relax with me. We can order a pizza if you want, maybe watch some netflix." I felt Nico nod into my lap. His arms were wrapped around my waist and I smiled as I watched him try to kick a thick fuzzy blanket over his body. "Here." I reached over, dragging it over him. "Is that better?" 

"Thanks," Nico said, lifting his head from my lap. His hair was sticking up in the back and there were lines crossing his face. "Do you want me to move?"

"You're fine. Now, pizza?"

"Can we get cheese?" he asked, his eyes pleading. "From Domino's? Domino's cheese is the best pizza."

"I'll make the call," I said, grabbing my phone from the arm of the couch. "Do you want to pick out something to watch?" He nodded, grabbing my laptop from the table in front of the couch and scrolling through netflix suggestions. The man on the phone sounded tired and I felt a pang of pity. I wondered if that was how customers thought of Nico when they saw him, overworked and exhausted. I hope they felt bad for him as they watched him rush around for eight hours on end, his work shoes cramping his feet and his body swamped in his too big white button down. Or maybe they didn't feel bad for him. Maybe they treated him like so many others would, as if he was nothing more than a thing to bring them food. "Thank you," I said as I hung up the phone, turning to Nico. "It'll be here in half an hour. Did you find anything?"

"Rewatch episodes of The Office?" he suggested, the mouse hovering over the red play button. He sat up, bringing it to his lap and leaning his head on my shoulder. 

"You know me too well," I grinned, picking my legs up from the floor and onto the couch, tucking them into my side. He pressed play and the familiar theme song began to play from the speakers, soothing with the rain pounding down on the glass windows. When I looked over at Nico half an episode in he was smiling, all remnants of rain dried from his body. There's no stress in his eyes as before, no annoyance or exhaustion. The only emotion I could sense was happiness, lighting him up like a Christmas tree. I liked seeing him like that, joyful and serene. Happiness was a good look on him.

The doorbell rang and Nico hit pause, glancing at the door. "I'll get it," I offered, swinging down my legs and standing up. I grab my wallet, opening the door to reveal a girl who can't be older than seventeen, shivering from the rain with a pizza box balanced on her arm. Her brown hair is sticking to her face and her thin Domino's tee shirt doesn't look nearly warm enough, even though she has a thin jacket slipped over it.

"That'll be ten forty four," she says, handing me the pizza. She looks miserable, and I know that she can't be making more than minimum wage. 

I pull a twenty out of my pocket, handing it to her. "The rest is your tip," I told her. I watch her eyes light up for a brief second, staring at the twenty as if it's a gold mine. The prospect of getting a ten dollar tip for a food delivery would be an exhilarating experience for anyone. 

"Thank you, sir," she said. "Have a good night." 

"You, too." As she turns to walk out of the building I shut the door, heading back over to Nico. 

"Did you just give that girl a ten dollar tip?" he asked, smirking.

"She looked like she needed a pick me up,"  I responded, plopping back down and opening the box. The cheese is melting and bubbly, the smell of goodness wafting up from the thick crust. "It's not like I don't have the money." Nico was looking at me strangely, almost in confusion until his face broke into a wide smile. 

"The world needs more people like you," he said before grabbing a slice and unpausing the show.

The pizza is gone before we know it, the show playing endlessly without either of us having to touch it. We had stretched out, with my head resting on the arm and Nico lying down, nearly on top of me. It wasn't until the sixth episode I heard soft snoring and I turned my head to see that Nico's head had dropped onto my leg, his eyes shut and his breathing slow. There was a smile spread across his face and I felt contentment spreading through me. "Nico?" I whispered but he was out, and there was no way I was waking him up. I sat up far enough so that I could reach Nico, running my fingers through his hair for the second time that night. 

He let out a tiny sigh, and his eyes fluttered open long enough for him to whisper a quiet "I love you," before his head fell back to my legs and he was asleep again. He was beautiful there, with his face smiling and his heart light. He was almost ethereal. Happiness really was a good look on him.

Hi guys, sorry if that was bad or short, it's midnight right now and I'm too tired(and lazy) to check it over. Anyway, I hope you liked it!


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