Lovesick (college AU)

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So first of all, we're at 9.7k views, something i never thought would happen! I'm going to start working on the special one I'm writing for 10k views, because I'm pretty confident it'll happen soon. Also, I really hope you're ready for a sappy story, because that's all I could come up with. Enjoy!

Nico's POV

There he was again. The kind, blue eyed volunteer at the campus infirmary who had been so kind to me when he fixed my twisted ankle. Even though it was three weeks ago, I could still remember that day. It wasn't so much the pain that came to mind, but the gentle way Will spoke to me, and how he handled my ankle with so much care. That was the day my infatuation with the doctor- in- training started. Of course, I knew it would never happen. Jason, my roommate, told me that my hope to date this blond boy was just a dream, and I tended to agree with him. Will was straight, a fool could see that. Besides, even if he did like guys, he would never date me. My luck was never that good. With a small sigh, I picked up the remainders of my lunch, throwing them in a nearby trashcan, and I headed to my dorm room. Jason would be waiting for me, anyway. us and some friends were hanging out tonight, and I wanted to get ready. 

Will's POV

I absentmindedly stared at him through the window, giving absolutely no attention to the girl with the fever I was supposed to be diagnosing. I was too busy observing the raven haired boy sitting alone on a bench, eating a sandwich with half the ham falling out. It seemed as though he had cast a spell on me. Ever since he had come into the infirmary exactly three weeks ago, I had been obsessed with this strange mystery of the boy. I had noticed him before, of course. It was hard not to. On the outside, he seemed to be tough and brooding. But when he came to me on day, clutching his ankle like a child and wailing about how he thought it was broken even though it had only been twisted, I felt like I had gotten to know him just a bit better. Sure, I didn't know the minor details like where he lived and what classes he was taking, I thought I had seen the real him. The real him needed someone to walk through life holding his hand, and someone to be with him every step of the way. Of course, I would never be that person. There was no way Nico was gay. He was the kind of person that girls fall in love with at first sight. Although, a few times I thought I saw Nico glance my way, our eyes meeting for a fraction of a second. But Nico had broken away the connection, and I had convinced myself that the strange connection was just a figment of my imagination. 

"Aren't you supposed to be helping me?" the girl he was supposed to be helping asked angrily, finally getting tired of taking a backseat to Nico. 

"Oh, yeah, sorry," I mumbled, not meaning a word of my apology. This girl, whoever she was, could wait. Even so, I got extra credit in one of my classes for doing this, so I obliged her requests. I grabbed a bottle of pills from a shelf above the window, giving the girl instructions on what dosage to take and when. When I looked up again, the boy with the raven hair was gone. 

Nico's POV

"My ankle hurts," I complained for the millionth time. I was lying on my twin sized bed, on top of my black comforter. Jason was at the full sized mirror hanging on the back of the door, straightening a neon green bow tie that he always insisted on wearing every time we went somewhere. I saw his reflection roll its eyes. 

"You twisted it three weeks ago," he chuckled. "You're fine. There's no reason for it to hurt." 

"Well, maybe I have ankle cancer," I replied stoutly, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Ankle cancer doesn't exist, Nico," Jason sighed, turning around. "How do I look?" 

"Ridiculous," I retorted. Jason was wearing his regular blue jeans, a sweater with a dinosaur on it and of course, his neon green bow tie. 

"Good," Jason said, walking out the door and holding it open so I could do the same. "I want to look good for your boyfriend." 

"My what?" I gasped, jolting out of bed in a heartbeat. 

"Oh, didn't I tell you? Will's going to be at this party. I overheard his friend Austin talking about how he and Will are going. So I'm making it my personal mission to set you two up tonight." He sauntered out the door, the grinning asteroid on the back mocking me. 

"He's 100 percent straight!" I shouted out the door, but Jason was already gone. 

Will's POV

"You're coming Will, you made a commitment," my friend Austin said. 

"Yeah, I know," I sighed. "But that was before I knew you only roped me into this because Nico was going." Austin clapped me on the back. 

"Well, it's too late to say no now," he said. "Come on, we'll be late." 

The walk to the party was short and when we arrived at the house it was being held at, the party was already in full swing. Loud music boomed out of the house and I could just make out Nico and his friends entering the house. Austin noticed I was lingering back, so he grabbed my arm and started to pull me toward the entrance. 

"Come on, buddy," he said. "When all this is over, you'll have a boyfriend." 

Austin somehow managed to find us a spot in the loudest part of the house, suspiciously close to Nico's group. I saw him slip Jason, Nico's roommate, a thumbs- up. So they had been planning this all along. That made sense. Nico was looking uncomfortable in his black aviator jacket. He seemed to be just as uneasy about this plan as I was. Just inside my line of vision, I saw Austin flip a hand signal at Jason. He started to drag Nico over to us. 

"My friend thinks he has ankle cancer," Jason said blatantly. "Can you help him?" In the background, I could see Percy Jackson, Leo Valdez and Frank Zhang howling with laughter. I looked up at Nico, and I could detect a hint of blush on his face. Was it just me or did it seem like Nico might actually like me? Sudden courage flooding my body, I knelt down and rolled up Nico's pant leg, pretending to thoroughly examine it before standing up again. 

"I have good news and bad news," I said gravely. "The good news is that you do not, in fact have ankle cancer." I could see a small smile spreading across Nico's face. "The bad news is that I believe you are suffering from something else." 

"Oh, yeah?" Nico said. "And what would that be?" Soft music turned on, and we were hit with a sudden spotlight on us. I looked over and saw Percy and Leo exchange a fist bump, Frank handing the DJ a five dollar bill. 

"Lovesickness," I said, holding out my hand. "Luckily, I have the cure. Care to dance?" Nico grabbed my hand and we twirled into the middle of the spotlight, dancing to the soft music with our arms around each other.

Sappy, right? Anyway, I really hope you liked it. 


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