It must be fate (AU)

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Nico's POV (age 6)

Will and I ran around the playground as our parents watched us from a park bench. I sprinted after him, my hand outstretched, trying my best to tag him "it" in our game. He laughed as I ran after him, my short legs trying to keep up with his longer ones. Already he was as tall as my older sister, Bianca. 

I put on a spurt of speed, pumping my legs to catch up to him. My fingers snagged the hood of his bright yellow hoodie, and I was able to tag his back. He turned around to face me, vibrant blue eyes sparkling with joy. 

"You got me!" he giggled. His happiness was contagious, and I started laughing along with him. 

"You know what that means, right?" I asked mischievously. "You're it!" I started to run, going up the play structure and trying to dodge the few other kids who played at the playground on a Sunday afternoon. Shrieking with joy, Will raced after me, hand held out in front of him, ready to tag me when he got the chance. I had just flung myself down the slide in an effort to escape Will when my mom called out to me. 

"Nico! Let's go, it's almost time for dinner!" 

"Okay!" I called back. I waited at the edge of the slide, watching Will slide down the blue plastic. When he reached me, I stuck out my hand. "Truce?" I asked. Will nodded in agreement, took my hand, sweaty from running around for at least an hour, and shook it hard, pretending that we were fancy business people like we always did. When the game had ended, we engulfed each other in a goodbye hug, the one that we never left the other without. 

"I'm glad you're my friend," I said. "Promise we'll always be friends forever?"

"Of course," Will said, squeezing me tighter. I could hear the snap of the camera, and then my mom's voice telling me that now we really, really needed to go. Of course, I was sad about leaving Will, but I knew that we'd be friends forever. 

Will's POV (age 12)

"You're moving?" It hurt to hear the pain in Nico's voice as I broke the news to him about my dad's new job in San Diego which was far, far away from Boston. We were sitting on my bed, the light green duvet underneath us. Nico was hugging a dark blue circular pillow, and I could tell by the faint wetness in the corners of his eyes that he was fighting hard to hold back the tears. I couldn't judge him for crying, though. I had bawled like a baby when my parents told me we'd have to move in December. We had been friends our whole lives. My dad had delivered both me and Nico, and we had been friends ever since. We had grown up together, without a single friend but the other one. I was an only child and Nico only had an older sister who didn't have enough time for him anymore, so we leaned on each other. I was scared to think about what would happen if I left him. 

"Listen, I'm really, really, sorry, " I sighed, hoping that he could hear the regret in my voice. I didn't want to move any more than he wanted me to, but I had no choice. "We can still keep in touch, right?" 

"Yeah, I guess," Nico said in a dull, hollow voice, flopping down dramatically on my bed. "Besides, you're moving in December, right? It's only September now, so we still have some time." I nodded, getting off the bed. 

"You're right, so lets make the most of our time together. Let's see if we can get some money, and go down into the city. I hear there's a new ice- cream place." Nico remained desolate, still staring blankly up at the wall, which was painted black and coated with glow in the dark stars. When he made no sign of movement, I quietly crept over to my bed and tapped him on his shoulder. 

"You're it," I grinned. I bounced nervously on the balls of my feet, waiting for his answer. Slowly, Nico rose from my bed and tossed my pillow aside. 

"Not for long," he said, and we sprinted down the stairs. 

Nico's POV (age 15)

They say that all good things must come to an end. As much as I wish it wasn't true, it was. Will had moved three years ago, and I had barely spoken to him since. Sure, we exchanged the occasional handwritten letter or phone call, but we both knew that it would never be the same as face to face contact. Neither family had enough money to visit the other, seeing as we were all the way across the country. Besides, the goodbye would be too hard. So the last time I had heard from him was sometime around eighth grade, when I had sent him a letter, which he had returned. We haven't spoken since. 

Of course, that didn't mean I didn't know what was going on in his life. Our parents kept in touch and sometimes I stalked his mom's face book page, looking at pictures of Will with his arm around his boyfriend. Unlike me, Will had grown up nicely. While I was still short and scrawny, Will was tall and muscular. My dark hair was shaggy and in need of a haircut but his hair was perfect, the same perfect shade of blonde it had been when I had last seen him in person. My heart couldn't help but give a little jump whenever I saw him. But I had long ago convinced myself that a relationship, whether dating or not, was out of the question. Besides, i didn't even know if I was gay yet, which was another reason I wished I still lived in Boston. Will had come out in the summer of eighth grade, and I knew if I asked he would help me figure out my sexuality. But he wasn't here, and I had to stop telling myself that I'd see him again.

Will's POV (age 18) 

I nervously walked down the hallways of the University of Massachusetts, my heart thumping wildly in my chest as I grew closer and closer to my dorm room, and old hope beating along with it. It was stupid, I knew. To think that Nico Di Angelo would be going to the same school as me. But ever since I had found out I had been accepted to a college in my home state, the old flame I had always carried for Nico had been re-lit, and hope had begun to sputter in my soul again. 

My room was in view. Room 1313. Plain, wooden door, white paint surrounding it. The chance of being put in the same room as Nico, even if he was at the school, was one in a million. But even though I knew I'd be disappointed in the results, I couldn't help hoping. 

When I entered the room, my eyes were met with various band posters, all of which Nico would like. Black bedding was stuffed messily onto the bed to the left of the room, and black clothing spilled out of an old suitcase lying at the foot of the bed to the left. I heard water running in the bathroom, signifying that my roommate, whoever they were, was almost out. Finally, the door swung open and I was met with the face I hadn't seen for six years. 

The features were all the same; shaggy black hair partially obstructing his vision, short and skinny body, dark, soulful eyes that I knew so well. He looked older, more burdened, but I would recognize him anywhere, and I could tell by how his eyes were slowly widening that he knew me as well. 

"Nico," I said in a chocked whisper. I could see tears running down his pale cheeks. i held out my arms, and he rushed into them, squeezing me tightly as he had done when we were kids. 

"But, how?" he asked after a few seconds. I knew he was referring to the chances of us going to the same college, let alone us being in the same dorm. I only shook my head, mystified. 

"It must be fate."

Hello! So, I hope you liked that. In case anyone was wondering, that is not the special one I have cooked up for the 10k views. That one is still under wraps, but I'll obviously still update weekly. 


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