I'll Be Your Server(part three)

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So I had a request for a part three of I'll Be Your Server and since I love this universe (and you guys) I decided to write it. But first here's a quick backstory, since this one happens six months after part two. Will and Nico are still happily together, and they're just going back to school, Nico transferring to NYU to be closer to Will. His parent's still don't know.

Nico's POV

"When are you going to tell them?" I looked up from my coffee to face my boyfriend. We were in the small coffee shop again, the location of the first date that had gone so well we had decided to give it another try and another, and another until, before we knew it, I had been Will's steady boyfriend for six months.

"I don't know," I sighed, flitting my eyes away from his blue ones. "They still don't even know I'm gay. If I told them I was dating you than I would be coming out to them and then telling them I have a boyfriend at the same time. The shock honestly might kill them." Will rolled his eyes.

"Come on, Neeks, I'm sure they aren't that bad." I raised my eyebrow.

"Will, the only time you've ever met them was when you waited on my family six months ago. You got their good side. I can promise you that at home, they're ten times worse." Will swiveled around in his chair to face Laurie, who was wiping down the counter with a wet rag. Other than the three of us, the cafe was completely empty as it usually was this time of day.

"Come on, Laurie, back me up," he begged. "Nico should tell his parents about us, right?"

"No, Nico should not tell his parents about his relationship," I insisted. "Come on, Laurie. What would you do in my position?"

"Laurie thinks it't weird when Nico talks in the third person," Laurie responded, giving neither of us a clear answer. Will and I both groaned.

"Don't you have any advice?" Will pleaded. "You've been watching our relationship grow for six months. Surely, you must have something to say about this."

"Well," she began, leaning her elbows on the squeaky clean counter top. "I think it depends where you are in your relationship. Obviously this is a huge step for Nico, coming out to his parents and telling them he's had a secret boyfriend for six months. But if this is going to be a long-term relationship, than I'd recommend telling your parents, Nico. You can't hide your relationship, or your sexuality, forever." She picked up the washcloth again, buffing out the marks left by her elbows. She seemed to be done solving our relationship problems.

"Well, where do you want us to go?" Will asked, taking a sip of his mocha latte, our favorite drink.

What?" I blinked, taken aback by the sudden question. He set down his mug, a small ring of coffee around his lip. It would have been funny had it not been for the situation. I loved Will but we had only been together for six months. Suddenly, six months felt like nothing.

"How serious are we?" Will asked. He seemed unshaken by the heat that had seemingly flooded the previously cool cafe.

"I- I don't know," I stuttered. Will sighed.

"I'm sorry I put you on the spot like this. It's just that I've never felt what I feel for you with anyone else. I just want to know where we stand in our relationship but if you want to keep going the way we have been, I'll be completely fine with that."

"But that's not what I want." I shook my head, clearing away the cobwebs and the dust that had collected in my brain, trying to clear a space for a rational thought. "I love you, Will. What we have is casual, but I don't feel casual. The signs have been there, how I really feel about you. When I transferred schools to be with you, when my parents almost caught us in my room. I don't want this to be casual, Will. I want a serious relationship." I took a deep breath. "And to do that, I need to tell my parents that I'm gay, and that I'm dating you. If I'm going to be happy, I need them to know. They won't be happy about it, and they definitely won't accept it, but if we're both going to be happy, they need to know the truth about my life." I glanced at Laurie, who had been shamelessly eavesdropping my entire speech. "So? Do you think I made the right decision?" Laurie smiled.

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