Let's Be Nerds Together(p2)

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Here's a part two to last week's one shot, also I figured that I'd have Nico speak Italian since in this he lives in Italy. There's not much in there and it's not too hard to figure out what they mean but  lettera means letter and grazie means thank you. With that all said, enjoy!

Will's POV

His mom patted his back as he watched the plane soar into the sky, bringing Nico far, far, away from him. "Such a shame that he's leaving," she sighed, her hand resting on his back. "You two had such a special connection. It was beautiful, honestly, so see you reach out to someone like that."

"You have no idea," he sighed, fighting to keep his expression neutral. His face was a mask, covering up his true feelings. Every inch the plane moved away from him it was pulling two pieces of his heart further and further apart. After what felt like a single second his mother was tugging his shoulder gently, urging him away from the window and in the direction of the car. When he slid into his seat he was numb and he barely registered the gentle bumps of the car as they moved down the highway with one less passenger than before. His heart leapt with a short burst of joy when he saw the sleek silver body of a plane splitting through the clouds but it plummeted as soon as it had sped past him, the hundreds of feet between them quieting the roar of the engine to a quiet whizz as it carried Nico through the sky. 

He shut himself in his room as soon as he stepped through the door, collapsing onto his bed and letting sunlight filter through the window. He buried his face in his pillow and amidst a mass of soft fabric he could almost feel Nico's presence in the room, could almost hear as he turned the page of yet another comic. But when he opened his eyes the comics were still shoved inside the drawer next to his bookshelf, collecting dust. If he closed his eyes he could bring himself back to the hot summer days tucked inside of his room with Nico by his side but when he opened them again he was still in his room, alone with the heat burning his back. He heaved a sigh, turning over and splaying his arms across the bed. 

He pushed himself up when he heard a knock at his door and when he pulled it open Kayla was standing in the doorway, holding a wide ceramic plate with Oreos rimming the edge and welch's fruit snacks piled on the inside. "I made you a snack," she announced, offering him the plate. "The Oreos are double stuff."

"Didn't you only have one pack of Oreos left?" he asked, taking the plate. She shrugged. 

"Yeah, but you seem sad," she said. "You need Oreos right now more than I do. And I picked out all of the grape fruit snacks, I know how much you hate them."

"Thanks," Will said, laughing. "You're a pretty good sister sometimes." She wrapped her arms around his waist, squeezing tightly. 

"I'm sorry Nico left," she said. "I know how much you like him." Will sighed, a watery smile spreading across his face. 

"It's okay," he sighed, fighting back tears. "I'm just sad he's gone." 


The first letter arrived two weeks after his departure. "Will!" Naomi called up the stairs. Will took his eyes off of his game boy, standing up and throwing open his door. 


"Letter came for you!" he frowned as he thumped down the stairs, swinging on the banister to face Naomi. 

"From who?" he asked, grabbing the letter. 

"Nico," she responded. "He sent one to the family, but this one was specifically addressed to you."

"Thanks." He ripped it open as he pounded back up the stairs, shutting the door behind him and hopping onto his bed. He ripped it open, unfolding a letter filled with curvy black lettering. He smiled at the slight slant to the left, the way that he wrote the date the European way and way the c and o of his name tied together ever so slightly. 

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