From a Beast to a Prince

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Beauty and the Beast AU! I'm not sure how similar this is to the real Beauty and the Beast but it took me a while to come up with this idea, so cut me some slack.

Will's POV

The moment I stepped into my new dorm room, bags in hand and a wide smile on my face, I knew that switching roommates with my friend had been the worst decision I had ever made. The grin slid off my face as I surveyed the boy on the bed, scowling darkly at a huge textbook, clutching a pencil so hard I could see cracks begin to appear on the yellow painted wood. He was paler than anyone I had ever seen, dark circles under his eyes and black hair hanging to just below his chin, un-brushed and unkempt. As I stepped closer a floorboard creaked and his head snapped up, his frown growing as he stared me up and down. I could see distaste in his dark brown eyes and I cleared my throat self- consciously, hoping to lighten the heavy ambiance of the room.

"I'm Will," I announced, holding out my hand as I tried to will a small smile to my face. The boy ignored me, the only sign of emotion a sharp glare.

"I don't care where you put your stuff, just stay out of my way." I could see why Austin hadn't wanted to be his roommate. I considered telling him that I didn't want to be this boy's roommate, but I figured it was a bit too late to go back on my decision.

"Your name is Nico, right?" I recalled, the brief conversation in which I had agreed to be his roommate popping into my head. Austin had come to me a week into the year begging me to switch with him. I had no idea what I was getting into, so I agreed.

"Yep." He popped the p, a clear signal that he was quickly becoming annoyed with the conversation.

"Alright then," I muttered, turning away from him. If he wasn't going to try to form a decent relationship, than neither was I.

He refused to be hospitable throughout the rest of the evening, turning his head away from me when I asked where the bathroom was and ignoring me when I asked him if he wanted a slice of pizza. Finally I decided to go to bed, doing my best to ignore the growls from the other bed.

The next morning I dragged my tired limbs out of bed, despite the fact that I hadn't slept a wink the previous night. I pulled on a pair pants and a tee shirt, Nico still snoring in the other bed. Quietly I crept out, although Nico was snoring so loudly I doubt he would have heard me anyway.

I begged anyone I could find to switch roommates with me. I only knew a few people in this new dorm, but they seemed friendly until I brought up Nico's name. "Sorry, man," said one person I came across, a boy about my age wearing a backwards baseball cap and an untied pair of shoes. "I wouldn't be roommates with him for a million bucks. Hes, like, a monster."

I found myself at the dean's office, pushing open the door to find her sitting back in her spinny chair, sucking on a lolli pop and seeming utterly bored. "Dean James?" I asked tentatively, stepping in front of her desk. "Can I talk to you about my roommate?"

"Sure, Solace, what is it?" She sat up, crunching down on her lolli pop.

"Well, I traded roommates with one of my friends, and he's terrible," I began, twisting the end of my shirt nervously. "Is there any chance I could switch into another room, or have my own?"

"Sorry, but you're here on a scholarship," she responded. "Freshmans almost never get their own room, let alone freshmans on scholarship."

"Are you sure there's nothing you can do?" I begged. "He snores all night, but the worst thing is that he's really mean. He refuses to talk to me."

"Lots of people have roommate problems, Solace, you'll just have to suck it up," she declared, sucking on her second lolli pop. "Now, shouldn't you be getting to class?"

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