Hell House(p3)

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Last part guys!! I hope you like it!

WIll's POV

Will woke to raindrops on his face and he groaned, his eyes fluttering open to stare at the broken window, letting the wind blow in the cool rain that was still showering the earth. Nico was still curled against his body, his mouth ajar to let soft breaths rise up from his body. It took Will a few seconds to remember where he was, in the old house that creaked and groaned when the wind blew, the old house with secrets stashed inside every wall and buried underneath every floorboard.

When the realization of where he was finally came smashing into him full force he shook Nico gently awake, the dim light of his watch flashing two fifty nine at his face. They had four hours until their friends would be back, four more hours to uncover one of the greatest mysteries their town had to offer.

"What time is it?" Nico groaned, sitting up and patting down flyaway strands of hair.

"Three," Will responded as he watched the display on his watch change, bringing them another minute closer to their departure. There was a small part of him that was glad that they had slept away so many hours but a second part of him longed to uncover the truth after everything they had already found. Nico had given him a need for exploration, whether he liked it or not.

"Shit, we gotta go," Nico muttered, pushing himself up and brushing off the dust. He stared out the window, the trees bending in the wind. "Where do you think it is?"

"Well, it's a secret basement, so probably somewhere no one would look," Will pointed out. "Like, a room that's just there to serve a boring purpose and nothing else. You know way more about this house than I do, any ideas?" Nico's face was scrunched in concentration and he tugged his knees to his chest, watching as he ran his fingers across his dark jeans. When he looked up there was a gleam in his eye that sparked excitement in Will's chest, one that made his blood pump faster and his heart beat louder.

"There's a boiler room at the back of the house," Nico said. "I remember reading about it when I looked up the house."

"You looked up the house?"

"I"m invested in finding out all I can about this." There was a tone of hope in his voice and it gave Will a strange sense of happiness.

"Then what are we waiting for?" The familiar beam of his headlamp sent a second wave of excitement pumping through his veins. "Let's go."

The house, if possible, was scarier in the dark.The dining table was nothing more than a mass waiting for them to bump into it and rattle the china dishes they had eaten off of, and around every corner lived a ghost in Will's mind. Even in the shadows of the headlamps he could see Nico's chest rise and fall more and more rapidly as they walked and soon Nico's hands were latching onto Will's arm, fingernails digging trenches. Despite the pain, Will was glad for the human contact that reminded him that he wasn't alone in the hell house. "We can go back, if you want," Will proposed. The excitement that had run through his veins moments ago had leaked out, replaced by sheer terror. "We can go back to our sleeping bags and play card games by candlelight for the next four hours. We can come back when it's light out, if you're really determined." Nico paused and for a split second it seemed as if he was considering the offer before shaking his head, taking another step.

"I have to get this done tonight," he decided, more a promise to himself than anything else. "If I don't, I'll never come back." He took a few more steps before pausing, laughing quietly underneath his breath.


"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were scared."

"Shut up," Will snapped, hitting Nico lightly on the arm. "I'm in this. I'm ready for the worst."

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