A Grave for Summer

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Can you guys tell that I don't want summer vacation to end yet?

Will's POV

"I can't believe that it took us this long to get ice cream. It's summer, we should've been eating ice cream for every single meal, every single day," Will says, droplets of coffee ice cream dripping down the side of the cone, spilling out onto the back of his hand, cold and sticky. The stand on the corner of forty second street and Washington is bustling, employees in red and white striped paper hats ladling out scoops of vanilla and chocolate fudge as fast as their arms can move. They've passed this stand dozens of times throughout their summer explorations, never giving it a second look. But that day, in the light of the lowering sun, it's clear that everyone else is just trying to get one last taste of summer.

"And I thought that you were so into nutrition," Nico says with a small smile, ice cream smudged on his upper lip. His face glows as he basks unintentionally in the sun, the rays hitting him just right so that his eyes glitter. "I don't even know you anymore." Will brings his finger up to Nico's mouth, wiping away the ice cream on his upper lip with the tip of his thumb. Nico's skin is warm underneath his finger, soft, the way the skin of your boyfriend should feel, flawless like porcelain.

"Maybe I'm just sentimental," Will says with a sigh, tilting his head up to the sky, the setting sun shining bright in his eyes. It's like it's giving one last push before it sets underneath the horizon, the line of buildings and streets that sits just before the straight line of the Hudson. "I can't believe school starts tomorrow. It's kinda just flown by. What happened to the summer vacation we thought we were gonna have?"

"We got lazy," Nico says, doing his best to keep his feet steady on the curb of the sidewalk, straight on the line that seems to go on forever. His ice cream is held out in his hand, hovering over the street and with the shine of amusement in his eyes, the small grin as he hops down from the curb, no one would believe that he's going to be a high school senior. There's still a childish nature to his actions, something playful that takes the overwhelming stress out of life and makes him feel like a kid again. "Dreams of impromptu road trips and all-nighter dates around the city turned to watching the same show over and over in my basement."

"It was fun though, at least," Will says. "Anyway, we still have time. We can do one of those all-nighter dates around the city tonight. Fit our ideal summer all into the span of a few hours."

"We have school tomorrow, shouldn't we get to bed early?" Nico asks, glancing up at Will with a sparkle in his eyes. There's a beat after his words, two, and they're silent for five seconds after until they both burst into laughter.

"You don't get enough credit for being funny, you know that?" Will says, slinging his arm around Nico's shoulder and pulling him close. Nico shot up an inch or two that summer, the small extra bit of height somehow managing to give him that mature look of a high school senior, despite being small. Even so, Will will always be taller, will always be able to press a kiss to the top of Nico's head. He used to have to bend down, though, Nico's head hitting somewhere around the middle of his bicep. But now he's at Will's shoulder, the height gap getting smaller and smaller by the day, and his body fits perfectly against Will's. Perfectly enough that he doesn't have to do much to kiss the top of Nico's head, a tiny romantic gesture that makes Nico so impossibly happy. But it's nothing compared to when Will stops walking, grabbing Nico by the arm and pulling him close, tilting his head up and meeting Nico's lips with his own. Nico tastes like the chocolate of his ice cream, the flavor mixing with the coffee of Will's to form a perfect mix. "Let's get dinner. I'm starving."

"We're having ice cream literally right now."

"I'm a teenage boy, I'm always hungry. That's what we do best." He pulls Nico tighter, kissing him on the head for the second time. Small touches like that- the head kisses, backs of hands brushing together as they walk, Will brushing Nico's butt- it'll all disappear once school starts. In the six or so hours during school, at least. He'll miss the soft touches, the feeling like he and Nico own the world. But they've got one night, as the feeling of summer dies around them, to do whatever they want.

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