Take a Break

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So, this is set when Will and Nico are in collage, just so you know. 

Nico's POV

I rested my head on my arm as Professor runner droned on and on about useless details about the Great Depression. I rubbed my eyes, fighting to stay awake. I rubbed my thumb underneath my eyes, feeling the dark blue circles underneath my eyes. I yawned, covering my mouth with my arm, wishing I could just sleep. 

"Your homework tonight, class, is to write a two paged paper on the cause of the Great Depression. This will take a few hours, so make sure you start as soon as you get home." I groaned, gathering my books and hugging them to my chest. I walked out of the building and into the vast expanse of the campus. I gazed around the campus, hoping to see the familiar blonde hair and height of Will, but no such luck. I had a feeling he was in our dorm room, taking a nap after the big test he had been studying for all week. I didn't want to go back to our dorm half a mile away, but i needed to get my things for my next class and, more importantly, I wanted to see my boyfriend. So I started my trek across campus. 

I was tired before the walk, but after I felt exhausted. My stomach growled, reminding me that I hadn't eaten anything all day. My feet dragged up the stairs and into our small, two bed dorm. I flopped face down on my tiny bed, surprising Will. 

"Have you seen my chemistry books?" I mumbled into my pillow, the warmth consuming me and making me want to fall asleep. Will bounced up from his bed and made his way over to me. He pulled me up to his chest and wrapped his arm around my waist. 

"You look exhausted," he laughed. I said nothing, instead stuffing my face further into his chest. 

"You're warm," I muttered. "I like it. I could just fall asleep right here." 

"When was the last time you slept?" Will asked, looking down and kissing me on the top of my head. I shrugged, my eyes fluttering closed. "Have you eaten anything yet?" I shook my head, breathing in the soft scent of Will's t- shirt. Will sighed, and got up. He gently laid my head down on the flat pillow and opened up the mini fridge. I heard him grab something and walk back over to me. He handed me three cold pieces of pizza wrapped in tinfoil, and I took a bite, ravenous. 

"I told you, you need to take better care of yourself," he chided, walking over to the water heater. "I'm going to make you some tea, and you are going to get some rest. I'll wake you up when it's ready." I was about to retort, telling Will that I had classes to attend and homework to do, but I heard Will's footsteps come back over to me. He put the covers up over me, and slipped my pillow underneath my head, and his for extra cushion. I opened my mouth, but Will sat down next to me and stroked my head. I felt myself get more and more tired until I finally drifted off. 

Will's POV

To say I was annoyed was an understatement. I told Nico to eat, I told him to sleep, but he refused to listen to me. I poured the hot water into Nico's favorite mug and swirled the maple tea bag around in the water. I added two lumps of sugar and a splash of cream. I left it out so it would cool down a little bit. While I was waiting,  I made Nico a small cheese quesadilla, just so he'd have something other than pizza in his system. I slid it onto a plate and brought the food and the tea over to my sleeping boyfriend. 

His black hair fluttered  in his face at each deep breath he took. He looked peaceful, almost like an angel. it pained me to wake him up, but I knew his food would get cold if I didn't. I shook his shoulder gently, and he gave a small grunt before turning onto his side, twisting the covers around his small body. 

"Nico," I murmured. "I have your food." At the mention of food, Nico's eyes fluttered open. He sniffed the air, smelled the melted cheese, and gave a big smile, the one I had always loved from the moment I met him. He gratefully accepted the plate and took a few huge bites of the quesadilla before he allowed himself to breathe. Finally, he swallowed, a content look taking over his face. 

"Thanks," he said. I handed him the tea and he took a few big swigs. Nico had never struck me as a tea drinker, but over the course of our several years of dating I had learned that maple tea with two lumps of sugar and a splash of cream was his favorite thing. it helped him de-stress. 

He glanced at the beat up wall clock on the peeling white wall and when he saw the time, his eyes widened in shock. "Crap! Will, I- I'm late for chemistry!" He stumbled out of bed, looking frantically around for his lost textbooks. Heaving a great sigh, I gently pulled on his arm and sat him back down on his bed. 

"Neeks, you've been going non- stop for the past week. I'm not even sure if you've been sleeping or eating. I get that college can be stressful, but you need to learn how to take a break." Nico shook his head, trying again to get up. "For me?" I asked, pleading with him. 

Nico looked down, fighting an internal war inside his head. 

"But- chemistry." 

"You're already late, and you can't even find your books. Every one skips a class once in a while, even you. There's nothing to worry about." Nico nodded and sat down on his bed again, taking another sip of his tea. I grinned in satisfaction. All he had needed to do was take a break. 

Hi guys! I hope you liked that, and sorry if the ending sucked, I just couldn't figure out how to end it. Also, requests are always open. You could leave them in the comments or DM me, I don't really care which. 


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