Cold Winter Nights

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I know this is a day late but I've had a hectic couple of weeks, and I hope it's okay!

Will's POV

They've been dating for almost a year and yet, it feels like ages since they've held hands. It feels like ages since they've walked the streets of the city with a spring in their step and laughter between them and yet, somehow, that makes this moment more special. Nico is pressed up against his side, shivering in the 25-degree air, his jacket thin even though Will had told him to put on something warmer. His cheeks are flushed with the cold but they're split open with his smile, and Will can't help but think about how long it's been since he saw the glitter in Nico's eyes. 

"We should get hot cocoa," Nico says, feet carefully tracing the curb of the sidewalk. There are 8 million people in New York City but even in the bustling streets of the metropolis, Nico is the only one who has ever stood out. "Or maybe we should get matching holiday pajamas. Or we could go ice skating, or to that screening of A Christmas Carol's playing at that little theater near campus." His face is glowing bright; it's been too long since Will saw that, the almost child-like excitement. Finals had killed both of them with ruthless efficiency but now that they're over, they have the thousands of streets of the city to explore and all the time in the world. "Ooh, or maybe-" 

"Hey, Neeks," Will says, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. His skin is cold and almost subconsciously, Nico presses closer to Will to gain warmth. "Maybe let's take this one step at a time, okay?" 

"Fine." Nico sounds disappointed and it breaks Will's heart a little bit, even though he knows there's no possible way of fitting a winter's worth of activities into the span of a night. "Can we get hot cocoa? I'm freezing." He's shaking next to Will, and he regrets not insisting that he wears a jacket. So he pulls him closer, tightening his grip on his shoulders. 

"Told you that you should have worn a heavier jacket," Will says, grinning softly. Nico rolls his eyes, swatting Will on the arm, but the grin is still dancing across his lips. 

"Shut up. You sound like Hazel." 

"Yeah, well, I guess Hazel's pretty smart." Nico throws him a glare and Will laughs, kissing his cheek softly as the bell of the coffee shop jingles above them. 

There's a scent of evergreen in the air as they walk in, a menu hanging on the weathered brick walls. Green plants shoot up from pots in the corners of the room and warm air wraps around them like a hug, and he hears Nico sigh in relief next to him. It's perfect, the vision of a winter date that everyone craves, and Nico is beaming next to him. 

The girl who takes their peppermint hot cocoa orders is cheerier than anyone who has worked in the food industry has even been and once they've paid, they collapse onto faux leather couches next to a window that looks onto the street outside. They can hear conversations just past the walls, blaring car horns, but they're muffled, and Will feels as if they're living in their perfect world. 

"It's so warm in here," Nico says, tucking his feet up to his side and curling up next to Will. He's still shivering lightly, his face still flushed. Will wraps an arm around him. "It's nice." 

"Are you still cold?" Will asks. Nico shrugs, which Will takes as a solid yes. As Nico presses his body closer to Will's, Will puts his hat on Nico, the puffball at the top flopping around limply. It's a little out of place, contrasted to Nico's black fall jacket and pale skin, but it looks cute on him. A little piece of Will that brings out the color in his eyes.

"You don't need to give it to me," Nico says, though the tone of his voice says otherwise. Already he's stopped shivering, the unnatural pink flush from the air turning back to the light blush that's always on his cheeks. Will doesn't need to give Nico his hat, but he wants to. 

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