The Doctor and the Dumbass

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IM SO SORRY I THOUGHT I POSTED THIS LAST NIGHT BUT IT DIDNT GO UP?? so i'm really really sorry abt that but here it is and i hope u enjoy!

Nico's POV

Nico blinks as Will shines a bright light in his eyes, momentarily blinded by the glare until he blinks a few times and his vision returns, spots dancing in his vision. "Are you almost done?" he asks, his legs dangling off of the side of the hospital bed as Will frowns, crouching down and peering deeper into his eyes.

"Almost," he says, scribbling something down on his chart. "How'd it happen this time?"

"I was skateboarding," Nico says, scratching the back of his head. His file is tucked in between Will's arm and the side of his doctor's jacket, and he can only imagine all of the stupid injuries scribbled down in Will's terrible handwriting. "And Percy dared me to do a flip off of the top, but I the side of my head into the concrete on my way down." He rubs at the place where he smashed his head, wincing, and Will slaps his arm away.

"Don't touch it."

"Why are you trying to tell me what to do?"

"I'm your doctor, Nico." Nico laughs, only half registering his actions.

"Oh, yeah." He pauses, staring off into space. "Hey, aren't you technically only an intern?"

"I'm a fellow," Will says, his voice trailing off. "But yeah, basically." Nico laughs again, and part of him feels like he's floating.


"Don't you work at a pizza place? And come into the er about once a week?"

"Low blow, Will," Nico says. "Am I good to go?"

"Don't do anything stupid for at least a week," Will says, scribbling something down in Nico's file of shameful mistakes. "Get some rest, don't look at any screens, don't do anything that requires too much brain power. And if you throw up, come back."

"I already have."

"I mean if you throw up any more," Will says, sighing.

"Great, thanks." He slips off of the cot, slightly unsteady on his feet and Will grabs Nico underneath the arms, holding him steady as he regains his balance. He feels bile rise up in his throat but he swallows, wincing and wiping out his mouth, feeling dirty even though nothing came up. Will frowns, his eyes scanning Nico's body as if he's looking for any sign of injury he can find.

"You okay?" Nico lets out a shaky breath, squeezing his eyes shut and nodding.

"Just a little dizzy."

"If you feel like you need it we can keep you overnight for observation. We don't usually do it for concussions but you've had so many. I could talk to my supervisor, and-"

"Why do you want me to stick around so bad?" Nico asks a tiny smile playing across his face. Will rolls his eyes, crossing his arms across his chest with his pen still clenched in his hand. There's a spot of ink on the tip of his pen, and, for some reason, the sight of his name written in Will's handwriting makes his heart leap in his chest.

"Just go," Will says quietly, patting Nico on the back. "But come back if there are any complications, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I know the drill."

"See you later," Will says, smirking. Nico rolls his eyes but gives him a small wave, walking out of the room with Will's eyes on his back.

His head begins to spin as soon as he's out of the building and he has to lean against the wall of the building, fumbling to pull a pair of sunglasses out of his pocket as he dials Percy's number. The ringing makes his head pound even more than it already is and part of him wants to collapse onto the hospital bed in the air-conditioned room and sleep the day away. Will would check up on him every fifteen minutes- standard hospital procedure for concussions-and when he woke up, his headache would be gone. But he can't give Will that satisfaction so as he waits for Percy to pick up he sinks down against the outer wall of the hospital, his the concrete burning his butt as he ignores strange looks from passers-by. "Hey, Nico! How's the head?" Percy's loud voice makes his head throb even more and he drives the heel of his hand into his forehead, wincing.

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