In A Small Town By The Sea

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Will's POV

As fingers curled around his face his vision faded away, the sound of breathing hovering by his ear. An arm brushed against his side as a head leaned in closer, the person's breath brushing Will's cheek. "Guess what?"

"Nico, get off me," Will laughed, shrugging out of his boyfriend's grasp and blinking as his eyes adjusted to the bright light from his LED lamp, illuminating tiny words filling the open page of his medical textbook. 

"Oh, come on," Nico pouted, his arms crossed over his chest. "You never want to hang out anymore. All you want to do is study. You're so boring."

"Hey, that's not fair," Will protested. "You know I have to get into med school. Once that's over, we can hang out all you want. Anyway, did you have something to tell me or were you just trying to distract me?" Nico rolled his eyes but he unearthed something from his jeans pocket, handing it to Will triumphantly. "What is this?" he asked, frowning. "Nico, is this a receipt?"

"One night in a hotel, right on the water in Glen Cove," Nico beamed. "It's only an hour drive, if we leave now we'll make it in time for dinner."

"Nico, you're sweet and I love you for this, but I have to study," Will insisted, turning back to the textbook. He rubbed at his eyes as words swam in front of them, hours of studying leaving his brain weary. 

"You can study in the car, if you really want to," Nico said, snatching the book away and waving it in front of Will's face.

"Hey, give that back."

"Not until you get in the car," Nico said. "Come on, let's go. I spend a hundred fifty dollars on this hotel room, you really want me to waste it?" Will paused, his hand dropping to his side.

"That is a lot of money."

"Yeah, I know. Come on, your stuff's already in the car."

"When did you have time to pack my stuff?" The chair scraped against the wooden floor of their shared apartment and he clicked his light off, the desk falling into darkness.

"You've been studying for a while, you know," Nico said, spinning on his heels as he led Will out of their apartment, locking the door behind them. The building was quiet and Nico's excitement seemed to explode from his body, livening up the drab gray walls and the scuffed hardwood floors. "I've been bored. I had time to plan an entire trip after all."

"I hope it's worth it," Will said, following Nico as he leapt down stairs two at a time. "If I don't get into med school it's all your fault. Just keep that in mind."

"Oh, it'll be worth it," Nico promised, pressing a light kiss to Will's lips before pulling the key ring out of his pocket, clicking the button until the incessant beeping brought them to their shared, beat up black sedan. Nico slid into the driver's seat as Will peered into the back from his position in the passenger's seat, eyes falling on two duffel bags stuffed with necessities; one his and one Nico's. He hadn't been joking. "Here's this." He tossed the textbook into Will's lap, a small white scrap of paper meticulously tucked into where Will had left off. "You can study for now, if you want, but once we get to Glen Cove, I'm taking it."

"Fine," Will said, laughing as he slid the paper out. Nico ticked up the heat as he pulled out of the garage, the warmth wrapping around Will like a thick blanket. Low hanging clouds hid the sun from view and quiet music was playing through the speakers, eyelids drooping over tired eyes. His hand fell limp over the paper and the last thing he heard before his consciousness faded away was Nico's quiet singing, soft as silk and stunning as the sea.


Sea salt on the air drifting in through an open window woke him up. He lifted his head from where it had fallen onto a condensation covered window. He blinked up at the dreary sky, a thin film of rain coating the sleepy town. "Is it raining?" he groaned. 

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