9. The price to be paid

Start from the beginning

I stared at him, uncertain if he was being serious. His look changed, his black eyes smoldered and his handsome face turned up in a smile, the likes of which would make even the hardest heart swoon. I felt a mixture of anger and doubt swirling within my chest and I grasped onto the only thing that would keep me strong under such an assault, the protection of my sister. "I wager nothing, sir." I sneered as best I could, but lacking the fire of earlier, the words were simply the stark truth.

The cold finality of my tone seemed to knock the confidence from his visage and he rose to his feet slowly, once again the picture of well-bred offense. "What then do you call your challenge if not a gamble of the wills?"

I thought for a moment and realized he was right, to an extent. "It is not a gamble of wills, Lord Kent, but one of the heart." I clarified, lacing my tone with distaste and disbelief.

He cocked his head and regarded me in silence. I met his gaze without pretense. I watched with some amusement as his indignation was replaced by curiosity. "A wager of the heart, you say? How so?"

I paused a moment, once again struck by his ever changing mood. "The strength of your heart verses the strength of mine." I replied knowing he would never beat me.

Kent took a step toward me, his look smoldering. A piercing stare so intense I was positive it could melt any metal, held me in place. "What am talking about has nothing to do with hearts," He said, his voice low and seductive.

I stepped backwards, desperate to increase the distance between us, my cheeks burning. "But what I demand does." I said meekly, cowed by his presence.

"You will demand nothing of me." Kent said darkly as he stepped closer to me. I backed up but felt the prick of the bush and knew I had nowhere else to retreat to.

I swallowed hard and, finding my courage, I decided to make my stand right then. "I will demand of you, and often," I stressed the word before continuing. "You will become the man Geri had always dreamed of because you will not have a strong enough heart to resister her."

"And what of your heart?" He asked, leaning closer and placing a single finger on my chest, a feather light touch that seemed to hold the weight of the world one it.

I swallowed a few times before I could muster enough voice to speak around the lump in my throat. "You believe that I will be your lover, but I will never take a man to my bed that I do not love and who does not love me. And it would take a man with greater prowess than you possess to make me feel such things." I said quietly but firmly.

Kent raised his brown in acknowledgement of my challenge but he neither moved away nor closer as he regarded me. "I have fought many such battles and I always win." He said with quiet confidence.

I piqued under his generalization. "A thing of the past." I declared.

Kent looked at me with a mixture of wounded pride and outrage. "What makes you think you will have fortitude enough to resist what others face flocked to?"

My temper was sparked by his comparison and attitude of wounded pride. I reached between us and pushed him away looking angrily at him. "Because I have something they didn't, strength enough to with stand anything. And you will never be man enough to make me forget that." I stopped abruptly, afraid I would go too far and reveal myself. I was no fool, after last night I knew he was dangerous but it was love for my sister that would keep me straight, despite his devilish charm.

I watched his eyes play in resentment and somehow they looked completely black, almost soulless, like a true devil. I had called his virility into question and as I watched the anger pass over his handsome face I wondered if I had gone too far. After a second of tense indecision, he pulled himself to his full height and regarded me coldly, shutting himself off. "I believe I have left my Lady too long in the company of my friend. Let us return quickly to them." He turned suddenly and stomped out of the clearing.

I had to nearly run to keep his pace. The long strides didn't bother me, I needed something else to concentrate on rather than my rampaging emotions. I would convince Geri to leave, but I would have to manage without telling her about what passed between Kent and I.

Kent was self-assured as he traversed the garden's many paths. I honestly didn't think he could resist loving Geri if only he would take the time to get to know her. It had never occurred to me before that he hadn't been as willing as Geri. Anyway with half a will could resist something he did not want, even detested. I could tell form the way that his eyes flashed at my challenge that he was a man with an iron will. But I would make him see straight. I must for I had promised my sister I would.

He may have an iron will but so did I, I smiled and kept walking. My tenacity would out shine his and I would win this wager of the heart.

We found Geri and Brandan talking quietly on a bench not too far from where we had been. Kent walked up to the pair quite unobserved so that when he spoke Geri squeaked in surprise. "I fear I've neglected you for far too long, my dear." He said gravely.

Geri came to her feet, a blush flushing her face with color. "Not at all." She said sweetly. "Brandan was just telling me of the lake located on your property. My father loves to fish."

Kent smiled brilliantly and bowed to her. "An excellent hobby. Perhaps I can take him there this afternoon?"

Brandan perked up and come to his feet to stand next to his friend. "I thought we could invite Lady Edith and your sister as well as, of course, Geraldine."

I saw Geri's blush deepen as she turned back to Kent, "If that would please you, can have a picnic." Kent said smoothly and I was again amazed and perplexed by his chameleon-like personality.

Geri nodded and came to stand next to me. "Charity can come too, can't she?" I knew Geri was testing Kent and braced myself for my sister disappointment.

Kent did not look directly at me as he considered but he surprised me when he nodded his head. "Anything that will make you happy." He said absently. Geri beamed and for the first time I thought I was seeing Kent's true smile when he returned the gesture. But it was hard to tell. "I must excuse myself again, I'm afraid. I will arrange everything and see you this afternoon." He kissed the back of Geri's hand and disappeared a moment later.

I was relieved at the turn of events. Brandan coughed awkwardly and then excused himself as well. "If it is so easy to get lost, why are they both deserting us?" I asked after he left.

Geri giggled and sat back on the bench. "I know how to return."

I laughed and sat next to her. "What can you discern from Lord Brandan about his friend?"

Geri was quiet and then shrugged. "We didn't talk much about Kent. He asked me about you, about the unusual attachment I seem to have." Geri's smile was unrepentant as she regarded me and I couldn't help but smile in return. "I told him that we've been together forever and that you are my closest friend."

"None of that lies." I laughed.

Geri was quiet for a while as she gathered her courage to ask her next question. "Are you satisfied after your talk with Kent?"

"Not hardly," to which both of us laughed. "But I am sure he'll come around." I said with a conviction I only half felt.

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