I dont mind

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The next day

It's my first day on Keller again today, I'm dreading it very much! All of my paperwork and bits are in jac's office as I left them in there after the overly long lecture jac gave me and Oliver. I am still planning on clearing the air, even though he practically did get me removed from Darwin for the rest of the week. It was partly my fault, I didn't listen to him like he asked me to. I'm surprised that I'm actually taking this well! Maybe a transfer to Keller may do me a tiny bit of good.

Meanwhile on Darwin ward, Oliver was in jacs office after a successful procedure.


"Well done valentine, maybe your not as stupid as I first thought." Jac actually praised me, well that's a first! I saw zosia in the hallway, maybe she has come to speak to me. What if I don't want to speak to her, after all she didn't want to speak to me yesterday.


I turned the handle of the door to see Ollie and jac kissing! What the hell? "Ollie, what are you doing. I thought you wanted to talk, do you know what we are definitely through!" I stormed off out into the locker room.


I didn't think that we wasn't completely over yet! I thought that we were through, I was trying to be smart.

Here is what happened just before zosia walked in.

(Still Ollie)

I wanted to pay zosia back, she thinks that everything is down to her, when we are and are not dating is completely up to her and I don't even get a saying. As the brass copper door knob twisted, I stood up, pulled jacs cheeks towards mine and gave her the biggest kiss I had ever gave anyone, I was nearly out of breath. I did it out of spite, not because I wanted to. Ew, me and jac would never happen! I have ruined it even more now and by the look on jacs face, I don't think there will be any more procedures that I can do for a very long time, I think I may be doing bed pan duty! Yay!!!

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