Are you serious

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(Still Ollie 😜)

"I'm sorry Hansen but you are going to have to get Mo to do it, she deserves the promotion more than me anyway and I would rather take zosia's case." "Well, I'm sorry mr Valentine but you can't treat a patient that you are close to, you know the rules." "What, so you would let me treat Jac even though we have worked together for years and that there is a big risk in her operation but you won't let me treat Zosia who is practically my best friend? That's a bit pathetic don't you think?" "That's enough mr Valentine." "No it's not, I am treating Zosia and I don't care if my job gets taken away from me for life, this job is about making people better, not about the people I know and don't, the people I like and don't and all of that stuff, it's about having no regrets and helping people who need it. Zosia has had a rough couple of months with Arthur's death and we have all felt it so please don't let me feel even more pain as I left Zosia to treat Jac and I come back to find that Zosia has passed away. It is all I have left to get me through." Hansen then walked away. I just poured my heart out to Hansen, never thought that I would ever do that but if Zosia does still love me then at least I saved our relationship so who cares about the job but if she doesn't then I have got a lot of begging to do to keep my job. Happy times, happy times!

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