Suprise, suprise!

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(Still Fran 😜)

I look at guy's front door. I was a little bit anxious to knock but I haven't come all of this way for nothing. I bang lightly on the door and after five minutes, he opens it. "Go away Fran, I don't want to talk to you." " I have missed you, please let me come in to speak to you." He took his hand away from the door and led me into his living room. "Look guy, I'm sorry for what I did to you, I just felt sorry for everyone else. I think it's just that I care too much." Guy didn't even speak. He leant down and kissed me passionately on the lips. For once guy self was being nice to me? That's a first! He dragged me by the hand and up the stairs into his room. I think you can guess what happens from there.


I love Fran. I have only just realised that 10 mins ago. I'm not pretending to like her so my plan could work any more, I really like her. I may as well enjoy myself with her whilst it lasts as after all, I will be behind bars at 6.

(2 hours later)


I need to change zosias mind about pressing charges. Guy can't go down for this. I needed to go to the shop to get nappies for faith so I went on the way home. When I walked in it way 5:20 so that meant that I only had 40 mins to change zosias mind, this is not going to be easy. "Where have you been Fran, we have been worried sick!" "Oh, there is no need to worry about me." "You are family Fran and as we have always done, we look after everyone in our family." Well, I thought to myself, maybe I should just bite me tongue and say it. " If you look after everyone in your family, then what about cutting guy some slack. You shouldn't press charges on him. He just missed you a lot and he didn't want to see you unhappy." "I guess so, we will not press charges but he needs to apologise to Ollie and me and you. " I was astonished to find out that Zosia had taken it so well.


Now that's dealt with, I need to get back to saughting out mine and Ollie's relationship. We keep on having pathetic arguments and all I want is for him to love me. I'm sure he does but the fighting has to stop. I want a romantic night tonight and as Fran is out for the night as she said then I'm hoping that me and Ollie could catch up. (3 hours later) Faith was in bed and Ollie is in our room so I thought that it was the perfect opportunity to make up with him, here it goes...

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