Being a parent is better than being a sergion,right?

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It is morning and I slept great because the baby settled to the carousel quickly. I turn over to see Ollie's big blue eyes. "Morning Zosia, are you feeling ok today?" "Actually yes, I feel fine today and the baby isn't kicking as much." "Great, I'm so glad that things are finally beginning to fall into place." "Me too." "Zosia, I just want to let you know that I will help as much as I can with the baby but I will always have plenty of time for you and I will still help you get through your difficulties so I'm not abandoning you. Leah is going to be the thing that makes our family complete. Becoming a parent is way better than being a surgeon in my eyes and I can't wait to bring up our beautiful child together." He is so sweet. I know he will never leave me, he will help me as well as be the best daddy around. "I know you will be there for me and I know that you will be a great daddy like you are a surgeon.   I can't wait to make our family complete either,it's going to be so much fun."

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