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Dumbledore is dead and the students at Hogwarts were grieving. Draco and I aren't allowed to return the rest of the year for safety reasons I guess.
"Severus I think they should be married by the end of the summer." Narcissa said.
Draco and I sat on the steps by the study like we did when we would listen to Narcissa and Lucius talk when we were 12.
"Narcissa they are children they just faced a life changing event why force them into another one?" My father said.
Draco messed with my engagement ring that was on my hand.
"True but Severus we don't know the out come of the war" she said.
I felt like crying. Of course I love Draco I don't really I mean hello we are engaged to be married but get married right after we turn 17?
"Narcissa I'm in charge of my daughter until she a Hogwarts graduate!" I heard my father yell.
"No we are in charge of them until they turn 17" she said.
She wasn't wrong I mean after Draco and I turn 17 we are adults in the Wizarding world and honestly at that point they can't force us to get married by the end of summer there for Draco and I can go with our own plans of our wedding.
We haven't planed our wedding out completely but we had any idea that only us two knew and our parents would find out eventually.
"We are done with this conversation Narcissa" I heard my father say as he opened the door.
He looked down and seen Draco and I sitting on the steps.
"Draco! Maddie!" Narcissa said with her normal warm smile.
"Hi Narcissa" I said as I got up and hugged her.
"Hi mom" Draco said as he followed my lead.
"Maddison I'm going home and your coming with me and no you don't have a choice. Tell Draco good bye" he demanded.
"Rather cool this object I think" I said as I ran my hand over the memorizing object.
Draco nodded with a smile as he continued to run his hand over the case. I dropped my hand and looked at the details of the case. When suddenly Mr. Malfoy's cane met Draco's shoulder again.
"What did I say" Draco's father said.
Draco dropped his hand.
"Sorry" he mumbled.
"Let's go" mr mayor said and the four of us left the shop.
"Say your goodbyes Draco" mr Malfoy said.
He nodded. "Goodbye maddie see you on the train" Draco said with a smile.
"Goodbye Draco see you later" I said giving him a smile in return.
Flashback over
"Maddison" my father said looking at me.
"Goodbye Draco" I said as I wrapped my arms around him.
"Goodbye Maddie I'll see you soon I love princess" Draco said as he kissed my lips gently and then released me and I slowly followed my father to the fire place and Draco and I slowly let go of each other's hands.
"Maddison where you ease dropping again?" My father asked as he sat in his seat in the living room.
"Yes sir" I said as I looked down.
"What have I told you about that?" He asked.
I didn't answer.
"Well!" He yelled.
"Not to do it because it isn't nice" I said as I looked up at him.
"Please go to your room" he said shaking his head.
"Yes sir" I said as I turned and walked away to my room.
I laid back on my bed and stared up at the ceiling I knew my father wasn't mad at me he was angry because I was was being disrespectful and on top of that he was protecting me.
It's been a few hours since I was sent to my room and I was still just lying there.
"Miss. Snape dinner is ready" the house elf said from the other side of my door.
"Thank you" I said as I jumped up and walked past him.
I was taught growing up that you don't treat house elfs nicely and here it was no different but I still had the manners.
I sat in my seat across from my father.
"Good evening" he said breaking the ice.
I nodded as I took a bite of my food.
"This will be a long summer if you start acting exactly like me Maddison" he said.
"What's that mean?" I asked.
"If you start acting like me it will get you know where look at where I am I'm in a house no wife and a 16 almost 17 year old daughter who is just like her mother but in so many ways just like her father" he said.
"What's wrong with that? I'm graduating Hogwarts in a year and I've got my life figured out after that because I'll marry Draco have kids and work at Hogwarts like you" I said as I took another bite.
"You think adult life is easy?" He asked.
"No! I'm still a kid with mommy and daddy issues... I'm a 16 year older death eater who let many death eaters in the school... I didn't know my father until I was 15 and I'm only guessing that the adult world sucks more than my dumb kid life" I said.
"Right you are" he said.
I stopped talking and so did he and we finished our food in silence.
Time skip to June 12th.
"Maddison get up!" I heard my fathers voice boom through the door.
"Five more minutes dad" I yelled covering my head with my pillow.
"No more five more minutes get up now young lady" he yelled before walking away.
I pulled myself out of my bed and headed to my shower.
After my shower I sat in front of the mirror on my desk and curled my hair.
"Master Snape has told me to come and check on you" the house elf said as he walked into my room.
"First of all I'm fine and second knocking wouldn't hurt" I said turning and looking at him.
"Sorry miss Snape" he said as he left.
I got up and walked down to the kitchen.
"Happy birthday" my father said with a smile as he hugged me and then kissed the side of my head.
"Thank you father" I said with a smile as I sat down ready for my breakfast.
"How's it feel to be 17?" He asked as he him self handed me my food.
"So far bad my father made me get up" I laughed.
"Sorry" he said.
"It's fine probably should be up anyway. I can finally use magic outside of hogwarts" I said pulling out my wand.
"Not at the table Maddison" he said.
"Right sorry father" I said putting away my wand and eating.
"What do you want to do today?" He asked.
He was giving me a choice which was a surprise he has been keeping me busy and protected. Although I was aloud to spend the day with Draco last week on his birthday.
"Um first I want to go visit mom if that's okay" I said slowly.
"Of course Maddison we can do that and I'm sure you want to go to the Malfoy manor as well?" He asked.
"Yes" I said.
"Okay I'll let you go there after lunch" he said.
"Thank you" I said with a smile.
We ate in silence and then we headed for my mothers grave.
"So are you going to be headmaster this year?" I asked as I looked up at my father.
"Yes I am and you and Draco will be the Slytherin Perfects" he said.
"Like fifth year" I said.
"Exactly" he said as we walked up to my mothers grave.
I always knew where it was I just never went. I sank down to my knees.
"Today's my 17th birthday mum so I'm an adult now just one more year at that school and I'm done" I said as I ran my hand over my mothers name.
"Your beautiful" I heard a girl say.
I looked over and seen my mother.
"Are you alive?" I asked.
"Of course not sweet heart" she said. I stood up and looked at my father who was standing there with his eyes shut.
"Why didn't you tell me Mom" I said.
"I was scared Maddison I was scared he would hate me" she said.
"Who my dad?" I asked.
"Yes" she said.
"Mom he is happy that in his daughter he would have loved to watch me grow up vs that evil man who watched me grow up" I said.
"I thought several times that I should have gotten a hold of him when you were young that way I could sent you away so you wouldn't get hurt but I didn't want to lose my time with you" she said.
"That was selfish Mom" I said shaking my head.
"I know I told him when you started at hogwarts your first year he's been the for you for seven years you just didn't know" she said.
"I guess as long as he knew" I said as I looked over at him as he whipped tears away.
"He loves you" I said.
"I know he does and he loves you no matter what he does he loves you and will protect you with all his power your all he has Maddison" she said.
"He's all I have besides Narrissa and Draco" I said.
"Yes I know. You are going to be a beautiful bride. Your already a beautiful young lady you look like I did when I was 17 but you definitely have your fathers eyes always have" she said with a smile.
I smiled back.
"Im going to go now dear take care of your self and stay safe during the war" she said as she disappeared.
"Ready Maddison?" My father asked.
"Yeah" I whispered as I walked away and looked back one more time at my mothers grave.

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