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It's been a month since my mental breakdown about my mum actually we had a small break and Draco and my Father sent me to be with Narcissa for a bit to get me away from school.
It made me feel better because she was like my second mother.

I put my winter clothes on and met Draco in the common room.
"Ready Love?" He asked.
I nodded and he took my hand as we headed to Hogsmeade.
"Three Broom Sticks?" I asked.
"Of course just hold on a second I have to do something," he said as he kissed me quickly and ran off.
I stood there waiting for Draco I seemed like a long time but it was a short while.
"Ready," Draco said as he grabbed my cold hand.
I nodded and we walked to three broomsticks.
We walked in and seen the golden trio.
"Nope," Draco said turning around and shutting the door.
"What why?" I asked.
"Just another time Maddie I really don't want to deal with them," he said slowly.
"Fine but you owe me," I said as I kissed him slowly.
"Okay I owe you," he said as we started back to Hogwarts.
"So Christmas break starts next week," I said.
"Yeah are you coming to the manor or are you staying here?" He asked.
"I'm coming to the manor," I said.
"Good," he said with a smile.
"What was that?" I said as I stopped.
"I don't know probably nothing," Draco said.
"No I heard screaming Draco," I said.
"Somebody will deal with it Maddie now let's go your freezing," he said as we started walking again.
Harry Potter POV
"Why is it whenever something happens its always you three?" McGonagall asked us.
We just witnessed Katie Bell get cursed due to a package that she was delivering to Dumbledore.
"Believe me, professor, I've been asking myself the same thing for six years," Ron said.
Suddenly there were footsteps coming into the room.
"Oh Severus," McGonagall said as I turned around and seen Professor Snape walk in.
He walked up to the cursed necklace and used his wand to raise it to look at it.
"What do you think?" McGonagall asked.
"I think miss Bell is lucky to be alive," Snape said.
"She was cursed, wasn't she? I know Katie and I know she wouldn't hurt a fly... If she was delivering that to professor Dumbledore she wasn't doing it knowingly" I said.
"Yes she was cursed," McGonagall said nodding.
"It was Malfoy and Maddison was with him," I said.
"That is a very serious accusation Potter," McGonagall said as Snape turned around quickly.
I suddenly remembered I just accused Snape's daughter's boyfriend of cursing someone and I accused his daughter of helping.
"Indeed," he said agreeing with McGonagall.
"Your evidence?" He asked me.
"I just know," I said.
"You just... Know" he said.
McGonagall then sent us away.
I laid in my bed looking at the map and I saw Draco's footprints and Maddison's footprints on the map meaning they were moving about the Castle.
"What do you think Draco sees in Maddison?" Ron asked.
"Maddison is a lovely person really she is. She's sweet when she wants to be and she's really gorgeous" I said.
"Gorgeous?" Ron asked.
"Yeah she has nice skin," I said.
"Nice skin? You mean Draco is dating Maddison because of her skin or Dean is dating my sister because of her skin?" Ron asked.
"What no I'm just saying it could be a contributing factor," I said.
"Oh Hermione has nice skin," Ron said.
"Um I've never really thought about it," I said.
"That's because your in love with Draco Malfoy's girl," Ron said.
"I am not," I said.
"Oh yes you are mate and let me tell you this she isn't going to be with you she will always be Draco's girl," Ron said.
"Yeah I know," I said slowly.
Maddie's POV

"Draco may you zip this dress up please," I said as I walked out of my bathroom in the dorms.
He was sitting on my bed and I was getting ready for Slughorns party only a few of us were invited and then we had to bring a guest unfortunately Draco didn't want to go he said he wanted to try and fix the vanishing closet a bit more but he told me to go and enjoy the party.
"Yes," he said as he stood up and zipped up my dress.
He then wrapped his arms around me and sat his head on my shoulder.
"Thank you," I said.
"No problem you look absolutely stunning," he said as he pressed his lips to my neck and I felt a shiver shoot through me.
I smiled as he let me go and I fixed my hair and touched up my make up.
He took my hand and kissed it before walking me to the party.
Tomorrow we leave for Christmas break and then I get to spend a couple weeks with Draco and Narcissa.
I kissed Draco's cheek before heading to the party.
"Hello, Harry," I said as I walked over to Potter.
"Hi, Maddison?" He said.
"Surprised?" I laughed.
"Yeah very you called me Harry and your talking to me," he said.
"Figured I better be nice if I want someone to talk to during this party," I said.
"Ah I see," he said.
"Drink?" Longbottom asked as he walked over.
"Neville?" Potter asked.
"I didn't get into this little club but it's okay he has Will in the Lou with towels," Longbottom said.
I started laughing really hard.
Longbottom started walking away.
"Wait, Longbottom, I want a drink" I laughed.
He nodded and walked back over and I grabbed a drink off the tray still laughing.
"Come on that's not very nice," Potter said as I took a sip of my drink.
"If you remember right I'm not a very nice person," I said with a smirk.
Suddenly Potter walked away and I stood there drinking.
After a few moments, I saw Granger runoff and a boy walk back to were potter was I only assume the boy is Granger's date to this lame party.
I grabbed another drink from Longbottom when he passed again.
I saw my father walk back to where potter and the boy were and I watched the boy puke all over my father's shoes I only assume he got detention for that one.
Potter and my father started talking about something that I'm unsure what was said because it wasn't my business.
I kept sipping my drink when suddenly the doors slammed open and in came that old guy hanging on to Draco by the collar of his suit.
"Take your hands off me you filthy squid!" Draco yelled as he was drug to the center of the room.
"Professor Slughorn sir I just found this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor he clams to of been invited to your party," the man said stilling holding on to Draco.
"Okay okay! I was date crashing! Happy!" Draco yelled.
My father walked forward.
"I'll escort him out," my father said.
The man lets go of Draco and Draco looked up at my father with an angry face.
"Certainly professor," Draco said as he raised his eyebrows up and down.
He turned and headed out as my father started to follow but he suddenly stopped.
"Maddison let's go" he demanded.
I sat the cup down and followed my father and Draco out.
"Maybe I hexed that Bell girl maybe I didn't what's it to you?" Draco asked
My father slammed Draco against the wall.
"Father!" I said as I stood beside him and Draco.
"I swore to protect you! Both of you actually. I did an unbreakable vow" my father said.
"I don't need protection! I was chosen for this and so was she well part of it and out of all of us, it was me on this special mission nobody else! I won't fail him" Draco whisper yelled.
I looked at my father and my boyfriend not about to get into there small fight because it would only backfire on me.
"Your scared Draco... You both are. Your attempt to hide it isn't working it's obvious so let me assists you" my father said.
"No!" Draco cried.
"I was chosen this is my moment!" Draco whisper yelled again.
Draco moved and grabbed my wrist and walked away from my father he was walking so fast that I had to jog to keep up with him.

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