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I walked across the black floor and it was nicely cleaned I could see my self in it.
"If the dark lord wants you, you must listen"
I knew what side I had to choose when it came down to the choice but as of right now there wasn't one. I saw Potter and his group with the white Crystal ball which I assume is the prophecy that the dark lord is after maybe if I get it and hand it over to the death eaters that are clearly around then I will be praised.
I watched the group stop dead in their tracks as a death eater approach them.
"Where is Sirius?" Potter asked.
"You know you really should be able to tell the difference between dreams and reality," Mr. Malfoy said as he removed his mask.
"You saw only what the dark lord wanted you to see. Now hand me the prophecy" Mr. Malfoy demanded.
"If you do anything to us ill beak it" Potter threatened.
I was almost tempted to run up and grab it and hand it over.
Suddenly there was laughing and it was annoying laughing to gosh how it sounded so bad. Mr. Malfoy looked over to his right and out came a girl who I knew because of the papers she escaped Azkaban, her name is Bellatrix.
"The boy knows how to play ity bitty baby Potter," she said as she walked out and stood next to Mr. Malfoy.
"That Bellatrix" Longbottom said.
"Neville Longbottom is that Neville Longbottom how's mum and dad?" She asked.
"They are about to be avenged" Longbottom yelled as he raised his wand and Bellatrix did the same. Mr. Malfoy calmed everyone down.
"Everybody just calm down." Mr. Malfoy said as Potter lowered Longbottom's arm.
"Very good now all we want it the prophecy," Mr. Malfoy said calmly.
"Why did Voldemort need me to come and get this?" Potter said.
"He dared speak his name," Bellatrix said. "You filthy half-blood!" She screamed.
"That's not right your just a curious one aren't you," Malfoy said.
"Prophecies can only be retrieved by the one of which it's about which is lucky for you rather haven't you always wanted to know the reason for your connection with the dark lord? Why is he unable to kill you when you were just an infant? Don't you want to know the secret of your scar? All the answers are there right in your hand all you have to do is give it to me" Malfoy said as he walked closer to Potter.
Footsteps were coming closer and if I didn't leave or help Mr. Malfoy I was going to be considered a blood traitor.
Masked people everywhere and I wasn't scared I just didn't know what to do.
"I've waited 14 years," Potter said.
"I know," Malfoy said.
"I guess I can wait a little longer. Now!!" Potter yelled and everyone started shouting spells and I ran to the side I belonged on to Mr. Malfoy.
"Maddison" he growled.
" I followed them here I want to help you guys," I said.
"Block the spells," he said.
I nodded and started blocking spells.
And we chased after them.
I found Potter.
"Give me it," I said.
"Never," he said running into Mr. Malfoy.
"Now," Mr. Malfoy said.
"No," Potter said as he ran.
We chased and chased and blocked spells stupefy mostly because that's the spell they used the most.
They found each other and Potter demanded everyone behind him and then went and I stood in front of him.
"Well done Potter," I said.
"Mayer," he said.
"I thought you were on our side," Granger said.
"That's rubbish my family is on this side this is where I belong" I laughed.
"You picked the wrong side but at least your on the side of your feature father in law and your father and your boyfriend," Weasley said.
"You backstabbed us all of us" Potter yelled.
"Get over it," I said as Mr. Malfoy walked up behind me.
A bunch of death eaters came taking Potters group and held them hostage.
Mr. Malfoy laughed.
"Did you honestly believe that would work are you really that naïve? To think the children had a chance against us. I'm making this simple for you Potter give me the prophecy now or watch your friends die" Mr. Malfoy said.
Potter looked around and then he looked at me and looked back at Mr. Malfoy.
"Well, I can see that you have an obvious soft spot for my son's girlfriend and she also just so happens to be one of your professor's daughter I can clearly go after her first" Mr. Malfoy said.
"What about your son?" Potter yelled.
"He will live she shouldn't be here anyhow," Mr. Malfoy said.
"Your son loves her very much," Potter said.
"Then give it to me or Maddison dies" he yelled.
"Don't do it, Harry!" Longbottom yelled.
"Shut up!" I screamed.
Potter handed it to Mr. Malfoy.
Suddenly Sirius appeared.
"Get away from my godson" Sirius yelled as he punched Mr. Malfoy.
The prophecy was dropped. Then the order of the Phoenix showed up.
I'm in so much trouble now by Mr. Malfoy for sure once we get out of this hell hole, Narcissa and Draco and most likely my very own father.
I ran and hid from the fight and watched Sirius knock Mr. Malfoy right out and Bellatrix killed Sirius Potters only family I felt bad as I watched Potter run to his godfather.
Soon enough Dumbledore appeared as did Voldemort and they started to fight and Mr. Malfoy pushed me into a fireplace.
"Go back to Hogwarts do you understand me! I'll deal with you later" Mr. Malfoy yelled as I disappeared.

Once I got back to Hogwarts I ran looking for Draco but to my surprise, he was looking for me.
"Maddison where were you!" Draco yelled as he cornered me.
"I was helping..." I started.
"Helping who Maddison who!" Draco yelled.
"The death eaters I was trying to help them!" I yelled.
"No no no Maddison why would you do that why!" Draco yelled.
"Because we have to choose a side Draco and I don't get a choice my mother told me I had to be a death eater" I cried.
"No Maddie you don't," he said.
"We will see," I said as I pushed Draco out of the way.
"What happened," he asked.
"Bellatrix killed Sirius Black, " I said.
Draco said nothing as we walked the halls.
Time skip to the last day.
I heard rumors of what happened after I left right after they returned.
Draco and I were packed up and ready I was going to the Malfoy's for half the summer and going with Snape the other half Mr. Malfoy arranged it that way. I was getting when I got to the Malfoy Manor and I knew it. Besides I'm still the Malfoy's legally until my father takes over and that will be the middle of the summer.
We ate our end of the year feast and then headed to the Hogwarts express.

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