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It doesn't matter what is said in life it how you handle the things that are said.
Almost half of this summer has gone by and my father has finally... Oh, what's it called in the muggle world oh yes gained custody of me. I'm still with the Malfoy's for at least a little while longer.
I'm laying in my bed thinking because I knew things were changing. Mr. Malfoy keeps telling Draco and me different things involving the dark lord and I'm pretty sure he's hinting that by the end of the summer the dark lord will ask Draco and I to join the death eaters.
I looked over at the clock it was only 3 am and I can't fall asleep at all so I slowly pulled my self out of bed and walk to my door and slowly opened it. Draco's room is a bit down from my own room. I tiptoed down to Draco's room and slowly walked in shutting the door behind me.
"Lumos" I whispered as the tip of my wand lit up.
I walked over to Draco's bed and sat on the edge.
It reminded me of the first night I ever stayed at the Malfoy's. It was the Christmas of my second year Draco and I were 12.
"Draco!" I yelled as I ran into his room.
"Maddie?" Draco questioned as I jumped into his arms.
"I'm scared Draco I had a nightmare" I cried as we wrapped our little arms around each other.
"It's okay Maddie I'll protect you forever and always," Draco said with a smile.
He moved over and I laid next to him as he used his wand to shut the door.
We turned separate ways not even facing each other.
*next morning*
"Awe Lucius look at the children," Narcissa said.
I slowly open my eyes and noticed Draco and I were cuddling.
"Yes Narcissa very cute," Lucius said as he walked away.
"Okay, children up you two go," she said shaking us awake.
Suddenly Draco and I moved apart both of us falling off his bed.
Flashback over

"Draco" I whispered as I gently shook him.
Nothing he didn't even respond.
"Draco" I whispered shaking him a bit harder.
Still nothing. I walked around the other side and gently placed my lips on his and he started to stir.
"Mmm Maddie?" He questioned in his super sexy sleepy voice.
"I couldn't sleep," I said slowly still holding my wand.
"Why?" He asked as he started to go back to sleep.
"I don't know," I said as I shined the light on his face causing his eyes to open again.
"Here," he said as he moved over.
I slowly laid down with my back to his chest. He slowly traced his hand up my arm and then put his hand over my hand that held the wand.
"Nox," he said and the light went away and he took my wand and placed it on his nightstand.
"Go to sleep" he whispered as he kissed my cheek and then wrapped his arm around my waist.
I felt safe in his arms and honestly, I felt the whole world melt away when I was in the arms of Draco.
"There will be a meeting tonight," Lucius said at breakfast.
"Where?" I asked mentality smacking myself.
"Here in this very room," Lucius said with a smile. I looked over at Draco as he pushed his plate away.
"I'm a bit full father may I be excused?" Draco asked.
"Sure," Lucius said as Draco got up and walked to his room.
I quickly finished my food and went to Draco's room.
I shut the door and seen Draco sitting on his bed.
"What's wrong?" I asked as I sat down.
"He's going to ask us tonight Maddie... Tonight our lives change forever" he said as he looked over at me.
I looked down.
"I wish we had a choice," I said.
"So do I but this all proves how right we are for each other we were both dealt with bad luck and no choice on our own lives," Draco said as he moved closer to me.
"I believe this is yours" he whispered in my ear.
"That it is," I said as I took my wand from his hand.
Draco and I spent the rest of the day talking about the future and bring us before we belong to the dark lord.
"Children hurry the dark lord will be here at any moment," Narcissa said from the other side of Draco's door.
"Okay mother" Draco yelled.
"Dra can you zip this?" I asked as I walked out of his bathroom.
I was wearing a black dress and my hair was in a high ponytail.
"Of course my love," he said as he walked over and zipped my dress and then he kissed my neck gently and then grabbed my hand.
"Ready?" He asked.
I nodded and he opened his door and we walked to the dining room were the dark lord who had just arrived sat and the table was filled with death eaters all except two seats Draco's and mine. Draco sat by his father and I sat by my father.
"Young Malfoy and Young Mayer," Voldemort said.
"It's um Snape sir," I said slowly.
"Ah yes I'm terribly sorry Miss Snape," he said.
I looked over and seen Mr. Mayer himself.
"Now before we invest all our time into this meeting I have a question for our young friends," Voldemort said with a grin.
Here it goes he's going to ask and Draco and I have to say yes.
"Okay," Draco and I said at the same time.
"Would you two like to join us as death eaters?" Voldemort asked.
I glanced at Draco then at Mr. Malfoy then at Narcissa and then at my father.
Draco looked rather nervous but I bet I did as well an not to mention each adult we looked at slightly nodded.
"Ye-yes", my lord, Draco managed to say.
"And what about you Miss Snape?" Voldemort asked as everyone looked at me.
"If the dark lord wants you, you must listen"  I remember my mothers note saying.
"Ye---ye--- yes my my lord," I said slowly.
"Great! Initiation will be in a few weeks" he said with a smile 

Draco and I sat by our fathers and looked at each other the entire meeting. When the Dark Lord was done he released us all. 

I got up and ran for the stairs but Mr. Mayer stopped me.
"Hello Maddison," he said as he grabbed me.
"What do you want?" I asked.
"Only to talk dear," he said.
"I have nothing to talk to you about! You killed my mother and then tried to kill me" I said.
"Yes I admit I did those things but you never came home from the time you were 12 you hoard around with that Malfoy boy," he said.
"I've stayed here because my mother wanted me here! I haven't done anything of the sort so don't even call me names! Now Unhand me" I yelled.
"Your to weak for this job should have denied and let the dark lord kill you," he said squeezing my wrist.
"I'm not weak! Now let me go" I screamed.
I heard multiple footsteps come up behind me.
"Unhand my daughter or else" I here Snape say.
"She was my daughter first," Mr. Mayer said.
"She was never your Cornelius," Narcissa said.
"I think she was since she had my name until she was 16," he said.
"A name doesn't mean she was yours she should have had her fathers in the first place but her mother was too scared to admit her mistakes, therefore, I only knew and I swore not to tell a sole unless she gave permission," Narcissa said.
It was the first time she has said anything about my moms past.
He finally released my arm and I ran into Draco's arms.
"She is so brave just like her mother and her father she looks like her mother with her father's eyes and for you to say anything about her she has overcome so much so you can say anything about her!" Narcissa yelled.
"Lucius I would have thought you would have thought your wife better than that to back talk a man," Mr. Mayer said.
For a split second, I forgot that rule that the girls have to obey a man at all times.
"I'm allowing it," Lucius said.
"If you won't do something about it I will," he said as he lifted his wand.
"Avada Kedavra" I yelled pointing my wand at Mr. Mayer hitting him in the chest and him falling to the ground.
"Maddison?" I heard as I fell to the ground.
"I ... I don't know what happened I just ... I just saw him pointing his wand at Narcissa and I yelled the first spell that came to mind" I cried.
"Draco take her upstairs and calm her down Severus and I will take care of him," Lucius said calmly.
"Come on Maddie," Draco said pulling me up.
We walked into his room.
"I... I killed someone Draco I'm going to Azkaban" I cried.
"No your not your okay I promise my dad and your dad are taking care of it your going to be okay," he said as he hugged me.
"You don't love me anymore because I'm a murderer" I cried.
"Now Maddie you and I both know you're far from a murderer and he deserved it and I'll always love you, princess," he said as he lifted my hand and gently placed his lips to mine.

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